Staying close to God in everyday life is the duty of every practicing Christian. However, in their busy daily lives, it's easy to forget, to be too tired or too busy to carry out their religious tasks.
If you don't keep God close to you, you can stagnate in your spiritual growth, which will have consequences for other areas of your life, such as your health, family life, other relationships, professional career and so on.
However, there are some habits you can acquire to start your day in full connection with God. This will only bring benefits to your life, since it is not possible to have a quality life without God in your life.

6 ways to start the day with God
There are many ways to start the day closer to God. By adopting certain habits, you will bring God into your life. This relationship needs to be cared for like any other.
Check out 7 tips to start your day with God and bring him closer to you:
1. Start the day with a prayer
Prayers are a way of maintaining direct communication with God, which can be requests, outbursts or even expressions of gratitude. There is nothing more powerful than expressing gratitude for the things He has given you in your life, even if part of the effort was made by you.
That's because if God doesn't give you the right opportunities and tools to achieve things, there's no chance of achieving anything. This includes the little things, like daily meals.
2. Have a moment of reflection and repentance
Instead of just praying to God, you can talk to him openly. One of the strongest expressions for pleasing God when you commit a sin or moral error is to show repentance.
Therefore, at the start of the day, make an internal reflection of your sins, excesses, faults, mistakes, defects, harmful behaviors, among others. If you can, express deep regret and ask for the strength not to commit the same sin twice.
3. Study the Bible
To get closer to God and still learn the precepts of Christianity, start your day by reading the Bible. However, you don't have to read a lot.
You can invest in reading a few pages a day before starting your routine.
However, the Bible can sometimes be difficult to interpret. If you find it difficult to understand a passage or parable, for example, you can clear up your doubts later by writing them down. Ask questions of your religious leaders.
4. Practice gratitude
As has already been said, gratitude is a very praiseworthy feeling for God. So you can start your day by giving thanks for everything you value most in your life.
It can be anything: from your professional life, daily meals, small and large achievements, your family, your health and everything He has given you.
Everything you've achieved to date and maintain is due to your efforts and also to the opportunities he has sent you. Without God, no one would have anything.
5. Have a religious conversation
Nowadays, it's very difficult for people to keep in touch in person. It's much easier to open your cell phone and send a WhatsApp message.
However, whether in person or online, have a religious conversation with someone. It could be asking someone's opinion on a particular Bible passage or even asking for Christian advice on a particular situation in your life.
Just be careful who you ask for advice: it must be a practicing Christian with enough wisdom not to offer wrong advice.
6. Help someone
God has commanded everyone to love their neighbor as themselves. Therefore, loved ones should be of great importance to you. Helping them in small everyday gestures also brings you closer to God.
Jesus Christ is your model of altruism. You must act in the same way to be a Christian. Not that it's easy, but you can start by feeding a stray dog, giving advice to a family member or friend, offering consolation, and many other charitable activities.
7. Love yourself
As already mentioned, God commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. To carry out this commandment, you first need to practice self-love. You can't love other people if you don't love and care for yourself.
So do something relaxing, enjoy your own company and take the opportunity to make small reflections and internal changes at the start of the day.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.