Even though the Bible doesn't contain information about dating, because at the time and in the region in which the sacred texts were written there was no such thing as commitment, this is a very important phase for a couple.
The main goal of true Christian dating is to lead to marriage. No Christian person dates another just for adventure or a passing fling.
In this sense, it is important to guide true Christians with tips based on Christianity so that they can have an excellent Christian courtship.

What are the best tips for having an excellent Christian relationship?
There are some tips that you shouldn't fail to follow in order to have a true Christian courtship. All the tips are based on teachings from the Bible itself and cannot be ignored.
Even though it's hard to find true Christians these days, there is still a portion of the population that is looking for a serious marriage through Christian dating.
So get to know the 7 best tips for excellent Christian dating.
1. Cultivate good friendships
In the Bible, there are only two types of commitment: engagement and marriage. Today's courtship can be considered a version of engagement, with the goal of marriage.
So cultivate good friendships that can lead you to Christian dating. It could be with a group from the same church or even on specialized sites such as Love in Christ or Divine Love. Keep Christian friendships close to meet your soul mate.
2. Don't date without the intention of getting married
Some people, overwhelmed by feelings of insecurity, lack of affection, low self-esteem and other harmful feelings, take to dating just to minimize the effects of these emotions.
However, this can be a dangerous act. Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore, before looking for a relationship, you need to love yourself and not depend on someone else completely.
3. Share the act of praying
When you're already with a partner, don't neglect spiritual precepts and activities just to enjoy dating. A great advantage of dating a Christian is this: they will share all their Christian activities and lessons with you.
So take advantage of this time together to go to Mass, learn the Bible together, pray, fast and so on. Invest you and your partner's time in these activities rather than falling into the temptation of physical intimacy, for example.
4. Have self-knowledge
This advice has everything to do with not dating without being able to love yourself. This is because by making friends, looking for a partner or even when you're already dating, you'll be able to learn more about yourself.
This is a way of improving defects that God has instructed us to combat, such as pride, envy and selfishness.
5. Prioritize moral improvement and cure addictions
Unfortunately, we are erratic beings. This means that we have many moral failings such as pride, envy, selfishness and there can also be addictions to smoking, drinking and other harmful activities.
When you're in a healthy relationship, to love yourself more and more and to be loved more and more by your partner, constantly change for the better. Cure any defects you can, as well as any addictions.
6. Have an assertive dialog in the relationship
Once you're in the dating phase, learn to have an assertive dialog about your conflicts. Learn to listen to what your partner has to say and speak calmly, coherently and directly.
It's very common to meet couples who simply don't talk or only have superficial conversations. Such a relationship cannot last as a happy and lasting courtship or marriage.
7. Give yourself to others (with your limits)
Dating is a time before marriage and can require some personal sacrifices on your part in order to give yourself to your partner. Of course, you need to have your limits and not become emotionally dependent or submissive.
However, listen well to your loved one, offer advice, affection, forgiveness, complicity, loyalty and other attitudes that show that the person you have chosen is special and you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.