
Knowing the best apps for financial control can make your routine as a Christian easier. The Bible has many practical teachings on finances and managing resources, including the importance of living within our means and avoiding unnecessary debt. One of the fundamental principles is the notion that all things belong to God and we should be good stewards of the resources He entrusts to us. This means that we should take a wise and responsible approach to money, investing in things that really matter and avoiding impulsive or excessive spending.

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Discover the best apps for financial control according to the Bible

Managing our finances is an important task, but it can be challenging, especially if we don't have a good understanding of how to handle money. Fortunately, there are many apps available that can help simplify and improve our financial control, allowing us to follow the fundamentals of the Bible. In this article, we will present the 8 best apps for financial control that can help you follow these principles.


Monefy is an easy-to-use and visually appealing financial control app that lets you keep track of your daily spending. With it, you can track your spending by category, such as food, transportation and leisure, and set budget targets for each one. In addition, it has a cloud synchronization option, which makes accessing your information on different devices easier and safer.


Wallet is a financial management application that helps you keep track of your expenses, income and investments. It allows you to keep track of your finances efficiently, with features such as trend analysis, graphs, automatic categorization of transactions and bank synchronization. It also has a budget feature that allows you to set financial goals, which helps control unnecessary spending.


Goodbudget is an app that follows the Bible's principles of financial control, emphasizing the concept of envelope-based budgeting. With it, you divide your money into categories or envelopes, such as food, transportation and debt, and keep track of how much money you have in each one. It also allows you to share the information with family members or friends, which is useful for sharing financial responsibilities.


EveryDollar is an app created by Christian author and presenter Dave Ramsey, who is known for his Bible-based teachings on finance. With it, you can easily create and keep track of your monthly budget, setting targets for spending in each category, and tracking your expenses and income. In addition, EveryDollar also offers financial advice and money-saving tips.


Mint is a popular financial management application that helps you keep track of your expenses, budgets and investments. It allows you to synchronize all your financial accounts in one place, including banks, credit cards, investments and loans. The app also offers personalized money-saving tips, trend analysis and alerts for overdue bills or low balances.

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a financial management application that emphasizes long-term investment planning. It allows you to synchronize all your financial accounts, including investments, bank accounts and credit cards, and offers detailed analyses and reports to help you plan your financial strategy.

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

You Need A Budget (YNAB) is a financial control app that helps users manage their money according to the premises of the Bible, promoting the idea that all things belong to God and should be used responsibly. 

It allows users to create and follow a personalized budget, setting financial goals and tracking their daily spending. The app also offers useful features such as bank synchronization and detailed budget analyses to help users save and achieve their financial goals.


PocketGuard is a financial control application that helps users manage their finances simply and efficiently. It allows users to track their expenses, categorize their spending and monitor their bank accounts and credit cards in real time.

In addition, the app also offers features such as budget planning, low bill alerts and personalized money-saving tips. With a user-friendly interface and useful features, PocketGuard is an excellent choice for anyone looking for easy and efficient financial control following the fundamentals of the Bible.


Another important principle is the idea of giving generously and joyfully, recognizing that everything we have comes from God and that we should share our resources with others. 

In addition, the Bible encourages us to plan carefully for the future, saving and investing wisely to ensure our financial security. In summary, financial control based on the fundamentals of the Bible involves living simply and generously, being prudent with spending and investments, and seeking God's wisdom and guidance in all financial decisions.

See also: 10 Bible apps so you can access God's word at any time

March 9th, 2023