The words we use every day have a much greater impact than we realize. The Bible already taught this truth in Proverbs 18:21: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he who loves it will eat the fruit of it." This verse reveals something profound: our words can build or destroy, heal or hurt, encourage or discourage.
In a world where communication happens instantaneously, whether in person or through technology, we need to reflect on how we use our language. What we say can transform lives, strengthen relationships and bring hope, but it can also cause pain, misunderstandings and even alienate loved ones.

But why do words have so much power? How can we use them wisely to build rather than destroy? In this article, we'll reflect on the impact of our language on everyday life and how to learn to speak in a way that builds up rather than destroys.
The impact of words on people's lives
Words are more than just sounds or written letters. They carry feelings, emotions and intentions. When someone says something positive to us, we feel joy, motivation and confidence. On the other hand, a destructive criticism or insult can mark us negatively for years.
We can see the impact of words in different situations:
1# In childhood: Children who grow up hearing words of encouragement become more secure, while those who are constantly criticized can develop low self-esteem.
2# In relationships: Couples who communicate with respect and affection strengthen their relationship, but harsh words can create distance and even lead to the end of a relationship.
3# In the workplace: A leader who praises and encourages his team creates a productive environment, while harsh or demotivating words can cause employees to lose interest in their work.
4# In spirituality: In many religious traditions, words are seen as tools of creation and transformation. What we say about ourselves and others can directly influence our reality.
Our speeches shape not only how others see us, but also how we feel about ourselves.
The word can hurt deeply
We've all experienced the weight of hurtful words. An offense, a lie or even a comment made without thinking can mark someone forever.
Often, the emotional pain caused by words can be more difficult to overcome than physical pain. Emotional wounds are not visible, but they can leave deep scars on the mind and heart.
There are many forms of hurtful words:
- Destructive criticism: "You'll never make it", "You're not good enough".
- Lies and gossip: Distorting the truth can destroy reputations and cause suffering.
- Words of rejection: "You're not good enough for this", "Nobody likes you".
- Outbursts of anger: When we speak without thinking, we can say things that we will never be able to erase.
If we're not careful with the way we express ourselves, we can hurt people we love without realizing it.
The word can also heal and transform
Just as words can hurt, they also have the power to heal, restore and motivate. A simple "you can do it", "I trust you" or "I love you" can transform someone's day.
Many stories show how the right words, said at the right time, have changed lives. A teacher who encouraged a disbelieving student, a friend who offered a word of support at a difficult time or a simple message of gratitude can make all the difference.
There are practical ways of using words to edify:
1# Praise more and criticize less: Valuing people's positive points strengthens relationships.
2# Speak with empathy: Before you say anything, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
3# Use words to motivate: Encouraging someone can change their destiny.
4# Watch your tone of voice: The way we speak can be just as important as the words we choose.
5# Say good things about yourself and others: Words can shape our perception of life.
What we say has a direct effect on our emotions and the atmosphere around us.
What do the Bible and other traditions say about the power of the word?
The idea that words have power is not new. Various spiritual traditions teach about the importance of what we say.
There are countless verses in the Bible that reinforce this truth:
- Proverbs 15:4: "A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue breaks the spirit."
- James 3:5-6: "In the same way, the tongue is a small organ of the body, but it boasts great things. Consider how a great forest is set on fire by a single spark."
- Ephesians 4:29: "Let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth, but only such as is good for edification."
Other philosophies also teach about the impact of speech. In Buddhism, for example, the "correct speech" is one of the principles of the path to enlightenment, indicating that we should speak with truth, kindness and usefulness.
In everyday life, many people have realized that what we say directly reflects on what we experience. If we speak negative words all the time, we end up reinforcing a pessimistic view of life. If we choose words of gratitude, hope and positivity, we create a better environment for ourselves and others.
How do you learn to use language wisely?
If we want our words to have a positive impact, we need to develop the habit of thinking before we speak. Some practices can help:
- Pause before answering: If you're angry or upset, wait a while before speaking.
- Choose your words well: Not everything needs to be said, and the way we say something makes a difference.
- Speak kindly: Even in difficult times, we can choose a respectful tone.
- Avoid gossip and destructive conversations: If a conversation doesn't add anything good, it's best to avoid it.
- Practicing gratitude: Giving more thanks and complaining less can change our outlook on life.
The word is a powerful tool, and it's up to each of us to decide whether to use it to build or destroy.
The way we use our language can determine the quality of our relationships, our professional success and even our emotional health. Words have a profound impact on people's lives and can be a source of motivation or an instrument of destruction.
If we understand that what we say can shape the reality around us, we take more responsibility for our words. Choosing to speak with wisdom, respect and empathy can transform not only our own lives, but also the lives of those around us.
What have you chosen to say in your daily life? Have your words been a source of life or death? Reflect on this and start using your voice to edify, heal and inspire.
See also: Why did they take 7 books out of the Bible? Understand
February 21, 2025
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.