As well as being essential for a Christian life, having control and being able to manage your own finances is liberating. As a result, it is essential to understand some fundamental financial concepts, such as interest rates and other taxes. Furthermore, learning how these terms are used in practice makes a significant difference to daily activities.
Higher salaries cannot be maintained without financial education, as they can be incompatible with the way of life an individual wants to lead. The worst case scenario, however, is those who don't earn much money and who also spend significantly more than they should.
We decided to look for technological assistance and discovered some personal finance apps that can help when it comes to budgeting and taking the first steps in investments, for example, because we believe that financial education is a topic that is extremely important for all of us and particularly for young Christians who are currently entering the workforce.

Didn't you think that investing was a concern for big businessmen? Wrong. Find out how you too can join the bandwagon and get your money flowing by talking to other church members.
Check out today's post for a list of ten financial apps that, based on biblical principles, can make a difference to your bank account.
Why use spending control apps
To organize your finances and keep track of your spending throughout the month, use a financial management app. The task of managing money sustainably is not always simple. As a result, the advice is to use all the resources at your disposal to organize your financial life and end the month in the green, nothing better than being able to pay off all your debts and still enjoy your family with the time you've saved to avoid doing bills at the end of the month.
The importance of financial control according to Biblical foundations
Financial self-control is essential for maintaining a balanced financial life. Considering how numerous today's consumer stimuli are, it can be difficult to resist the urge to buy.
The consequences for someone who spends more than they earn can be disastrous because, as well as losing control of their finances, they will have to deal with high interest rates and, worse still, have their reputation damaged by their irresponsibility.
Adopting a realistic financial strategy and maintaining discipline when it comes to achieving set goals are the best ways to avoid this type of situation. Remember "Plans, when well thought out, lead to plenty; but he who is in a hurry always ends up in misery" - Proverbs 21.
In this situation, using a financial app or even a control sheet is very useful because it allows you to track all your expenses and make any necessary adjustments on a daily basis once you've downloaded it.
The benefit of using an app is that updates are made automatically and access is very simple from anywhere, so it's worth checking out and sharing with your church brothers and sisters.
Apps to keep your financial health in order
You've been waiting for this moment, haven't you? Check out the apps we've put together for you below, which will help Christians keep their financial lives much more organized.
- Mobills - Due to its excellent usability, which attracts millions of people looking to organize their financial lives, Mobills is the most popular financial app in Brazil. It has a tool that is significantly different from the others, as it uses the geolocation of purchases to help you understand where you tend to spend the most money, such as near your home, near your workplace or in any other specific location;
- Guiabolso - available for Android and IOS users, Guiabolso is the ultimate organizer because it integrates with all the other financial apps on your phone. This app stands out for combining bank accounts and credit cards, simplifying the management of your finances on a single platform;
- Minhas Economias - the Minhas Economias app is aimed at managing personal expenses, as the name suggests. For those who need to plan for the future, the difference is significant, given all the benefits of the other financial apps mentioned above. We're assuming you want to buy a house, right? With the help of this app, you can specify the overall budget allocated to the project and monitor each stage of your plan to ensure that the goal is achieved. Available for iOS and Android;
- Organizze - with more than two million users, Organizze is the ideal application for those who want to set personal financial goals, with an emphasis on being able to clearly see where their money comes from and prioritize their spending. Along with its highly intuitive usability, the software also supports the integration of bank accounts and payment cards, which attracts more users. With the help of Organizze, you can effectively manage your finances by accessing daily reports that generate purchase alerts and store all your data in the cloud. The app is available for Android and iOS.
Despite some people's beliefs to the contrary, the Bible speaks of financial and material prosperity. More than a hundred Bible verses specifically mention money between the Old and New Testaments. Many of the distortions that are prevalent among Christians are the result of a lack of understanding around this issue. Understanding the true meaning of prosperity in the Bible is crucial for this reason.
Now that you have access to several apps on how to take care of your money, choose the one that best suits your daily life and start organizing your financial health.
Remember: "For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have a great deal. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him" - Matthew 25:29.
See also: Best Finance App by the Bible
February 21, 2023
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.