In today's world, it is increasingly difficult to see couples who follow true Christian precepts, especially in Brazil. This is especially true during the dating period.
This is because there are no lessons in the Bible about the courtship period of a union. The Bible was written at a time and in a region where this type of commitment didn't exist.
However, we need to renew our ideas about our current relationships. Above all, Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our own minds in the mind of Christ. Therefore, there is no sin in dating.
However, this commitment must be made following good practices written in the Bible. At the time the Bible was written, there was only engagement and marriage.
In this way, dating can be a beneficial time for a couple to build their love fully. This time should be for the couple's benefit, not as a passing fling or a physical adventure.
To sum up, Christian dating should always have marriage as its ultimate goal. Without that, it's not Christian dating.

What's the best advice for young Christians on dating?
There is some advice that can guide the path of young Christians when it comes to dating. That way, when you commit to dating someone, the union will be blessed by God.
Check out the best advice for young Christians on dating:
1. Be interested in friendship first
As the Bible has shown, the relationship that precedes marriage is an engagement, not a courtship, however much traditions have changed. A great piece of advice for young Christians about dating is to let go of friendships before looking for a partner.
It's only through friendship that you can truly get to know a person, and then decide whether to make a more serious commitment or just remain friends. This is because Christian dating has the explicit goal of marriage.
2. Put God first
The Bible teaches that you should love God above all things. This applies to self-love and love for your partner. This is made clear in Matthew 6.33: only by following God first will other things be added to your life.
So don't forget your spiritual precepts and commitments when you're looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, or even when you're already dating.
3. Ask for your parents' blessing
Honoring your parents is a very important commandment in Christianity. So before you start dating, ask your parents or guardians for their blessing.
In this sense, also ask for guidance and advice on dating. Proverbs 11:14 teaches the value of advice so as not to go in the wrong direction.
4. Know your partner's life goals
It's important to date someone who also believes in Christianity and isn't just a non-practicing Christian. This will make living together, mutual respect and the quality of your life as lovers more balanced.
It's also important that your partner has similar life goals to you, such as living together, having children, professional ambitions or even adopting animals.
As courtship is a kind of preparation for marriage, the couple must be aligned in their expectations of life.
5. Wait on God
There's no point in desperately looking for a partner to be your boyfriend or even your husband. Proverbs 19:2b teaches that if you lose patience, you will also lose opportunities.
So wait on God and pray for the right person. This is one way to guarantee that you will have a relationship blessed by God and Jesus.
6. Don't overlook serious mistakes
No matter how well you know a Christian person, they may have faults that cannot be ignored in a relationship. That's because we're human, we're all liable to commit sins, exaggerate and have faults.
However, by overlooking certain behaviors or conflicts, there will be no solution for a lasting and happy marriage, such as: overlooking infidelity, overlooking a lack of commitment to chastity on both sides or overlooking a lack of purpose for marriage.
Dating such a person is not Christian dating. It's just another relatively short fling, which can lead to a lot of heartache. So be friends with the person before you date them.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.