Adam ate the only fruit forbidden by God when he was still living in the Garden of Eden. For this sin, he was expelled from the Kingdom of God and became a mortal, suffering divine penalties.
Jesus Christ, on the other hand, was persecuted and crucified for spreading God's precepts to the whole of humanity. His reward was resurrection. This is the true destiny that God wants for all his followers.
God doesn't want any man to be penalized like Adam. However, divine justice needs to be better interpreted through the Bible itself.

What does God's justice look like?
To understand God's justice, we need to understand that since Adam's sin, all people are born into the world as sinners. In other words, every human being is alive to commit sins that are evil and judged with penalties by God.
To die to your sins and live again in balance, as a healthy Christian, you have to follow Christian precepts. Adam didn't do this after his sin, so he was penalized. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, lived this way from birth and was glorified by the Father.
So you have to understand that you were born with sinful instincts. This is your original nature, as a consequence of Adam's sin. However, you can bring about a transformation in yourself. This doesn't mean that you have to die physically, as Jesus Christ did.
Therefore, we need to live in balance with God's teachings, brought to us through Jesus Christ. Only in this way can we achieve complete salvation.
You need to live as a man far from the sins that God penalizes so much. You need to live in communion with God in order to guarantee God's justice of not being penalized.
However, sinners, people who do not live in communion with God, will not be spared, just as Adam was not. The only salvation is to follow Jesus Christ, the only and first son of God.
How does God's forgiveness work for sinners?
When talking about salvation, you probably have the following question: it's impossible to live without committing any sin, so how can a sinner guarantee his salvation?
People mistakenly understand that God's justice involves complete, immediate forgiveness for all human transgressions.
In fact, every transgression will be punished by God. In this sense, God's forgiveness cannot be applied to any sin. It is not a way of exonerating anyone.
However, there is a way to be forgiven by God: to be fully repentant of your sin, and to never commit it again. This is the case with adulterers, for example, who are instructed in the Bible to receive a second chance from their spouse, inspired by the forgiveness that God offers to all of us.
In addition, the sinner needs to make an internal transformation, to live in communion with God, in order to be truly forgiven. If through Adam men became sinners by nature, through Jesus Christ lies true salvation.
This means that God knows that men will sin and can offer His forgiveness: with the requirement that sinners change and live by the precepts of Christianity, as well as having true repentance.
How can you live a life free of sin to guarantee divine justice and be saved?
There are some tips you can follow, even as a sinner, to be forgiven and saved by God. Check out some good Christian practices:
1. Take Jesus Christ as your example
First, have Jesus Christ as an example for everything you do in life. This means fighting your sinful nature and living in communion with God, putting away sinful acts and having wonderful qualities such as humility, love for your neighbor and God, love for yourself, loyalty, wisdom, gentleness, among others.
Transforming yourself takes time. However, by taking Jesus Christ as an example and studying his teachings a lot, it is possible to change little by little.
2. Say a prayer
God has directed full obedience to his teachings. In this sense, live your life in true communion with God. In order to fight sinful instincts, live in communion with God and even forgive some sins, prayer is a powerful ally. So pray a lot. Prayer is an immediate connection with God.
It's a way of showing humility, faith, resignation and obedience, qualities that are highly valued by the Lord.
3. Study the Bible a lot
Only by understanding the Bible in its entirety will it be possible to discern right from wrong according to Christian precepts, as well as the requirements for obtaining divine forgiveness and understanding God's justice.
In addition, studying the Bible, attending services and being active in your religious community is a way of always being in communion with God.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.