First of all, we need to understand that the expression "God writes right in a crooked way" is not a verse from the Bible. It's a popular saying with unknown origins.
Therefore, it is interpreted in different ways by different Christian churches.
That's why it's best to ask your religious leaders what the real message behind the popular saying is, so that you don't have an erroneous belief and don't follow Christian precepts according to your own church's interpretation.
In this article, an interpretation of this popular saying will be addressed, but this explanation is not universal and cannot be considered absolute, precisely because it is not in the Bible.

What is one of the interpretations of the popular saying "God writes crooked lines well"?
It's very common in life to go through moments of suffering. There are situations and conflicts that seem unending, causing you to lose or weaken your faith in God.
In this sense, it seems that God's justice is wrong. This is because some sufferings begin and end without explanation or plausible reason.
However, know that God has purposes for you even in times of suffering. In this way, you will reap good fruit at the end of this difficult time.
However, this "good harvest" is only guaranteed for people who maintain true Christian conduct, even in the face of suffering.
This means not despairing, becoming depressed or stagnating. It also means not getting angry with God, not discrediting him or even confronting him.
You have to have faith in God and his designs, despite the difficult times. In this sense, "crooked lines" don't mean difficult situations that happen to you without God's will.
This is because, for something to happen in a person's life, God has to allow it. So there are no "crooked lines" in the events of your life, drawn entirely by God.
In this way, the "crooked lines" can be understood as your own erroneous behavior, failing in the true Christian conduct taught by God through the Bible. In other words, they are the moments when you commit certain sins or don't act like a true Christian.
Therefore, it is you who creates the "crooked lines", based on your wrong behaviors, thoughts and feelings.
This can also happen at quieter moments in life, not necessarily during a period of suffering.
This is the case with Christians who don't follow biblical precepts throughout their lives. It's also the case of people who commit sins but don't repent.
There are other ways of living a life "by crooked lines" too. This is when, for example, you are not up to date with your religious duties, such as going to church, praying or trying to change the effects that God so abhors.
It's also the case of not paying honest tithes to the church or working on behalf of others through your church's charity services (if you have the time).
Unfortunately, there are many ways to keep "crooked lines" in your life. It's enough not to truly follow the Christian path. Even for those who commit sins, there is forgiveness. Just ask God for forgiveness and do everything you can not to commit the same sin again.
God writes crooked lines well
That's why God "writes right by crooked lines". Even through non-Christian attitudes, you can receive God's forgiveness and mercy as soon as you are converted and adopt a true Christian attitude.
In this sense, God's "right writing" is all taught in the Bible, also through the example of Jesus Christ. Therefore, you alone are responsible for the "crooked lines" in your life.
In this sense, God doesn't promote any event, situation or scenario to be considered a "crooked line". No, everything is according to his plans. If there are crooked lines, or crooked paths, you are responsible.
As has already been said, even the paths of suffering are blessings from God. You can learn to be more patient, for example, in the case of illness, or take better care of your health as a positive consequence of such suffering.
In this sense, the popular saying can be interpreted as follows: we are the ones responsible for the crooked lines in our lives, and God, as all-powerful, merciful and merciful, still draws the right paths, even with our erroneous behavior.
So create "right lines" in your life, so that God can provide more blessings for you to offer you salvation in the end.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.