The Holy Supper is a primarily Christian tradition. It has existed since the New Testament period, as shown in passages from Acts and Corinthians.
This was a Christian tradition left by Jesus Christ himself for his truly Christian followers.
However, most Christians don't know what the true meaning of the Holy Supper is. It is common practice to follow tradition without understanding its real meaning.
This is not good conduct, because true Christians cannot just follow traditions without understanding their meaning. This is because knowledge of the Bible is fundamental to guaranteeing true Christian conduct.
This article was written to resolve this doubt. So that true Christians can share in this tradition by understanding its true biblical meaning. Understand the origin and biblical meaning of the Holy Supper.

How did the tradition of the Holy Supper originate?
In a nutshell, the origin of the Holy Supper is presented in passages from Matthew, Mark and Luke. You need to understand the events with Jesus Christ at the time to understand the biblical meaning of the Holy Supper. It was Jesus' last act before dying on the cross.
It is therefore possible to understand the importance of the tradition of the Holy Supper. During his last supper with his apostles, Jesus broke a loaf of bread into pieces and distributed it, revealing that the pieces of bread were his own body, for all to eat.
Jesus then passed a chalice of wine among the apostles for them all to drink. He revealed that the wine was his own blood. In Matthew 26:28, it is possible to understand that through these acts, Jesus was forgiving all the apostles for their sins.
Jesus Christ then directed that the ritual be performed by all true Christians, to be redeemed from their sins through his body and blood, as a memorial of his later crucifixion death.
That's why practicing Christians take the Holy Supper as a kind of memorial and thanksgiving for Jesus Christ's sacrifice for all sinners.
It's worth pointing out that the different streams of evangelical churches or even Catholics have certain correct periods for the Holy Supper to be held, which can be once a week, once a month and sometimes once every two months.
The important thing is that you keep in mind Jesus' sacrifice for all sinners and truly repent of your sins, so that through Jesus Christ, you can be forgiven.
What is the biblical meaning of the Holy Supper?
By understanding the biblical context of the Holy Supper, it is easier to grasp its true meaning. Jesus was crucified so that all sinners could be redeemed from their sins. In other words, he made a sacrifice for the good of all mankind.
This is because, at the time of Creation, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. In this sense, all their descendants were condemned to be sinners.
However, Jesus was sent by God to cleanse all of humanity from their sins, but you also need to do your part and follow the true Christian precepts to guarantee your salvation. Jesus' sacrifice alone is not enough.
In this sense, spiritually eating and drinking the metaphors for the body and blood of Jesus Christ is a way of showing gratitude for his sacrifice.
It's not enough just to take the Holy Supper without really repenting of your sins, asking God for forgiveness and correcting your behavior, in order to live in communion according to Christian precepts.
In this sense, the Holy Supper is a reinforcement in your memory that Jesus Christ has cleansed you, but you need to do your part. It's an important commitment to make periodically, to symbolically "feed" on Jesus Christ.
However, there's no point in doing this without being a practicing Christian, which includes habits such as not failing in your religious duties, having a truly Christian demeanor, repenting when you commit a sin, among other good Christian practices.
Furthermore, the Holy Supper is a way of uniting loved ones in the name of Jesus Christ and God. When one or more people gather in the name of God, He is present there.
Therefore, it is also a way of keeping your relationship with God up to date, as well as showing respect, obedience and gratitude to His teachings and to Jesus Christ's sacrifice for you.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.