Know how to occupy your mind with the things of God is a common doubt among people who believe in the Creator. We often worry too much and occupy our minds with problems, forgetting all the good things that happen in life. There are methods for improving the mind. Check them out below.

How to occupy your mind with the things of God
From the moment we accept Jesus Christ into our lives, it is essential to know how to occupy your mind with the things of God. After all, we worry too much about the problems in our lives, and neglect all the blessings that he brings us.
In order to focus on God and receive the Holy Spirit, we need to rid ourselves of bad thoughts. Daniel's Fast is a period in which people detoxify themselves from all the information that adds nothing to our lives, especially spiritual information.
However, it is common to come across a time when it is difficult to focus one's mind on God, but the Holy Bible teaches believers to keep their thoughts on Him. According to Philippians 4:8: "Brothers and sisters, we need to focus on everything that is noble, right and kind in our lives".
In other words, in order to keep our minds on God, human beings need to filter the things that pass through our minds. We can't allow our thoughts to be taken over by bad energies.
Daniel's fast
In general terms, Daniel's Fast is a great opportunity to get closer to God. Over a period of 21 days, people who want to have an experience with Jesus Christ need to put aside entertainment, news and information that doesn't nourish spirituality.
People need to put aside social networks, as well as content posted on video platforms that has nothing to do with God. In this way, we can seek the Lord's presence in our lives.
How to prevent old thoughts from returning
People who want to avoid spiritual falls need to follow what is written in the Holy Bible in 2 Peter 1:10: "Brothers, be ever more firm in our vocation and election. Because in doing so, we will never stumble".
There is a passage in the Holy Bible in which Jesus Christ says that when the evil one leaves a person, he goes elsewhere to find rest. Evil forces try to find an unoccupied environment, so it's essential to keep your thoughts positive.
When we receive Jesus Christ into our lives, we don't worry about seeking God in our minds, but continue to grow in his teachings. However, when it is difficult to remain firm in spirituality, remember 2 Pe 2:20-22:
"Don't allow the old saying to be fulfilled in your life: an empty mind is the devil's workshop". It is important to read the following verse carefully: "Like a newborn baby, pour out your sincere word on me, so that I can grow spiritually."
Where bad thoughts come from
Most people aren't careful about what they think. After all, it's common to judge this situation in the following way: if no one knows what I'm thinking, then I can think whatever I want.
However, what most people don't know is that the mouth speaks what the heart is feeling. It is from the heart that bad things come. In this sense, keep the following verse in mind:
"It is from the heart that evil thoughts arise, as well as murder, fornication, adultery, bearing false witness and blasphemy". This passage is in the Holy Bible at Matthew 15:19.
Avoid bad company
In order to occupy your mind with the things of God, the first step is to avoid bad company and get into the habit of reading the Holy Bible. After all, a human being who knows the word of the Lord doesn't stay on the path of sinners.
Generally speaking, it's impossible to keep your mind focused on God when you don't know the Holy Word. If necessary, get up earlier to start the day thinking about the Lord by reading His word.
The faithful also need to take time out of their day to pray. After all, it is through prayer that we communicate and draw closer to God, the creator of the Universe.
See also: God writes crooked lines well; start the morning with this message
January 27th, 2023
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.