It is an increasingly common and unfortunate fact that even Christian marriages are ending in divorce. This is a very sad fact, because marriage is a sacred institution created by God to bring happiness to the husband, wife and children.
So much so that God first created Adam. Then, realizing that it wasn't good to leave Adam alone, God created Eve to be his companion and gave them just one instruction: that the couple should have children to populate the Earth.
However, many couples are treating their marriage in a superficial way, trying to avoid conflicts through divorce instead of resolving them. This is not the most appropriate way to have a true Christian relationship.

How to save your marriage according to the Bible
So here are some tips to save your marriage according to the Bible:
1. Seek help from the Bible and your spiritual leaders
In marriage, man and woman become "one flesh" according to the Bible. However, many Christian marriages end in divorce. In order not to let this happen to your marriage, you need to understand the Christian precepts about what God expects of a marriage and the conduct of men and women in the relationship.
There are two ways to do this: first, study the Bible. There is no way of understanding how to maintain a healthy, Christian marriage without knowing God's teachings.
You and your spouse can even make this a joint, daily task. This can bring you closer together and help you save your marriage.
Also, ask your religious leaders for advice on how to overcome a marriage crisis. They are the highest authority to advise you according to Christian precepts.
2. Follow Christian precepts in marriage
Some Christians, even if they are practicing Christians, only believe in the word of the Lord, donate tithes and attend church, but don't behave like true Christians. That's why it's so important to study the Bible and behave in a way that enhances marriage.
Christian men and women need, for example, to maintain chastity until marriage. Another good behavior within a marriage is to remain faithful, since adultery is a sin against one of the Ten Commandments.
Wives and husbands also need to love others as they love themselves. This includes having complete love for their spouse. To get a broader picture of the conduct expected within a marriage, study the Bible well and get guidance from your religious leaders to understand how to get through the crisis in your marriage.
3. Don't think about separation or divorce right away
It is true that God left a concession in the Bible for divorce in the precepts of Christianity. However, this law does not make many exceptions for thinking about separation or divorce immediately, as is the case with adultery in Matthew 19:9.
However, outside of this reality, it is not recommended to think about divorce or separation immediately instead of overcoming the crisis in the marriage. The couple must make a mutual and continuous effort to return to a healthy Christian relationship.
According to Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:4-6, God's will for a Christian couple is that husband and wife remain attached to each other. This means making a Christian effort so that the marriage doesn't end in divorce or separation.
4. Maintain an interest in your spouse (and vice versa)
There is no way to save a marriage if only one of the spouses is interested in making an effort and following certain Christian precepts to overcome the crisis in the relationship.
It's important to encourage a discouraged spouse to study the Bible, follow Christian precepts, take counseling from spiritual leaders seriously and do their part to resolve a marriage crisis.
A golden tip is for the couple to share a mutual interest in each other. This means doing more Christian activities together, such as going to church or studying the Bible, talking about everything, resolving conflicts assertively, maintaining mutual respect, and much more.
That's why studying the Bible is so recommended. It is through the sacred texts that you and your spouse can learn how to behave in a Christian manner within your marriage.
5. Talk to your spouse about the problem
Instead of dwelling on hurt, guilt, pessimism and other feelings that are harmful to the health of your marriage, the ideal thing to do is to talk to your spouse about small and large conflicts in your marriage. This creates harmony in the home, since the solution will be proposed by both of you, and not resolved superficially by just one of you.
It's very important to talk in order to resolve conflicts. There are couples who only talk about superficial topics or don't speak to each other anymore. This is a recipe for a failed and unhappy marriage.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.