It's very important to get off to a good start every day of your week. Your mood, your spirit and other positive feelings and intentions make a big difference to whether your day is good or bad. The best way to start a day well is to start the day in the presence of the Lord.
However, times are getting busier these days. There are many obligations, responsibilities and commitments, which can leave you too busy to take a moment in the morning to be in the presence of the Lord.
However, you must live a full life with true Christian conduct. This is the key to your salvation, as well as guaranteeing other divine blessings, such as mercy and forgiveness.
Therefore, a true practicing Christian must incorporate some habits into his or her life, not just to start the day well, but as a way of being in full communion with God.

How do you start the day in the presence of the Lord?
It is through cultivating true Christian attitudes, thoughts and feelings, as well as fulfilling religious tasks (such as saying prayers or going to church) and daily Christian habits that you can be fully in tune with God.
In this sense, learn some ways to start the day in the presence of the Lord.
1. Study the Bible
It is only through true Christian knowledge that you can know what to do and what not to do in all of life's situations, according to Christian precepts. That's why studying the Bible every day is so important.
This will only increase your connection with God, as well as helping you to change defects into qualities. The Bible is a true manual for living in communion with God.
However, you don't have to spend hours of your morning studying the Bible. You can choose to read it over and over or specific passages on a particular topic.
However, some parts of the Bible can be difficult to understand. In this sense, write down your doubts and clarify them through quality materials on the internet or even with your religious leaders.
2. Say a prayer
Prayer is our greatest tool for talking directly to God. The advantage is that prayer can be used for different purposes.
For example, you can ask God to bless your day or even offer strength, courage, determination and other praiseworthy feelings to overcome an obstacle.
Through prayer, you can ask for divine counsel. You can also ask to resist the impulse or temptation to commit a sin.
Even if you have committed a sin, through prayer you can ask for God's forgiveness. It's worth pointing out that just obtaining God's forgiveness is not enough. You also need to make an internal transformation in order not to commit sin again.
Prayer is also a powerful way to ask for help for other people who are going through difficult times.
3. Have a moment of spiritual reflection
Change can be a slow and even painful process. However, you need to get rid of defects, addictions and other negative aspects in yourself in order to live in full communion with God.
But it's impossible to change without self-knowledge. This means understanding where you're going wrong, repenting and starting the process of change.
It's through a moment of spiritual reflection, for example, that you can feel sorry for a sin you've committed. You may also feel the need to resolve a conflict and forgive someone. In these moments of reflection, you can also be grateful for everything He has given you.
So taking a few minutes to be alone in the morning, with thoughts of self-knowledge and spiritual reflection, is a powerful way to start the day in the presence of the Lord.
4. Have breakfast with the family
The family is a sacred institution created by God since the union of Adam and Eve. From this alone, you can see how important it is for God to value your family.
So, whenever you get the chance, have breakfast as a family. Take the opportunity to say a prayer, thanking Him for the food He has given you.
Nowadays, there are people who are so busy and tired that they no longer pay attention to their spouses, parents or children. This is an affront to God's teachings, such as honoring father and mother, for example. It is also an affront to their marriage, which is sacred in the Bible.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.