It's very important to start the day well. It's a way of keeping the day calm, peaceful and even more productive. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be difficult to start the day stress-free and Godly.
Nowadays, society is increasingly fast-paced and demands a lot from people, including you. There are many obligations, responsibilities and commitments that can leave you feeling stressed and even anxious due to the short time and tiredness of carrying out so many activities.
What's more, for practicing Christians, it's essential to seek a strengthened relationship with God, which only brings benefits, but there's no time or energy left.
However, it is through a good relationship with God that you can resist the temptation to commit sin. It is also a way of finding consolation and strength to endure times of suffering.

How to start the day without stress and with God
Finally, maintaining a good relationship with God is essential to loving him above all things, practicing a teaching from God himself.
For all these reasons, here are some ways to start the day without stress and with God.
1. Practice self-love
God has instructed us to love our neighbor as ourselves. But how can you love your neighbor if you don't practice self-love? That means loving yourself.
To love yourself, you have to take care of yourself. This is not selfishness. You won't be able to follow the practices recommended in the Bible to be a good Christian if you're not well: in good physical, mental and emotional health.
In this sense, take some time out of your morning to look after yourself. This could be taking a long bath, going for a walk, practicing a hobby or even taking care of your mental health.
2. Have a spiritual reflection
It's very important to read the Bible, read articles like this one or even attend church. However, what you do with all this learning is also important.
There's no point in learning biblical precepts without putting them into practice. Sometimes, in order to do this, you need to reflect deeply. You may have committed a sin and regretted it, for example. God can grant forgiveness with your repentance.
Or you may feel the need to resolve a conflict, ask for forgiveness or even forgive someone. It could be that you're not being generous enough either.
All these reflections on biblical precepts serve as an initial step towards an incredible internal change.
3. Say a prayer
Prayer is the most powerful way of maintaining a dialog with God. There are many things you can say to God in a prayer. You can, for example, ask for help in a difficult situation.
You can also ask for help for a person who is going through a period of suffering by practicing love for others. You can also ask for help not to commit a sin or even ask for forgiveness because you regret having committed a sin.
4. Have breakfast with the family
The family is a sacred institution created by God. However, it doesn't necessarily have to consist of a couple and children. There are different compositions of families, even in the Bible.
Therefore, God will not fail to appreciate your family time because it doesn't consist of a husband, wife and children. In this sense, a good way not to get stressed and to start the day with God is to have breakfast as a family.
Strengthening family ties, resolving interpersonal conflicts, forgiving and being forgiven are actions that are very beneficial to God.
5. Talk to your mother and father
One of God's greatest commandments is to honor father and mother. Therefore, even if you no longer live in your parents' home, the ideal is to keep in touch and help them in times of need, especially as you get older.
Honoring your father and mother also means being an exemplary child who follows the precepts of Christianity. In this sense, you must have words and deeds of love for your father or mother, even if they live in another house.
In other words, to start the day off right, make sure that everything is fine with your parents and be an example to everyone around you, with truly Christian behavior, thoughts and feelings.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.