Anxiety is one of humanity's biggest problems today. Even though it's natural to have a little anxiety, you need to know how to identify the dangerous situations that plague this illness. The Holy Bible teaches us how to turn anxiety over to God. Check it out below.

How to surrender anxiety to God
Nowadays, it's natural to suffer from a bit of anxiety, but it's important to identify the dangerous situations that plague this problem. If you love Jesus Christ, know that the Holy Bible teaches how to surrender anxiety to God.
According to experts in the field of psychology, anxiety is a natural feeling that anticipates moments of challenge or danger in life. This condition is considered a pathology, in other words, a disease.
When people feel anxious without a challenging situation, anxiety becomes a major problem. Everyone has experienced periods of anxiety in their lives, whether they are mild or very intense.
According to the Apostle Paul, in chapter 4 verse 7: "People should throw all the anxiety we feel in life onto Jesus Christ. After all, he takes care of us every hour and minute of the day".
Most people have doubts about how to put their anxiety in God's hands. In general terms, it's through faith. It's fundamental to believe that God is in control of our lives; He knows all things.
What the Holy Bible says about anxiety
The Holy Bible says important things for those who suffer from anxiety in life. In Psalms 121, for example: "Lord Jesus Christ is our help in all the distressing moments of life". But that's not the only biblical passage on the subject. Check it out below:
- Matthew 6:31: "Almighty God is our provision";
- Matthew 28:30: "Jesus Christ is our rest";
- Psalm 94:19: "God is the consolation that brings relief to our soul";
- Philippians 4:7: "The Creator of the Universe is our peace".
The Bible mentions that the disciples of Jesus Christ went through moments of extreme worry and anxiety in their lives. The Lord was in a boat when a storm hit, but He said that He saves people who have faith.
How to get rid of anxiety
Generally speaking, if you believe in God, you know that you can overcome any obstacle in life. To overcome anxious moments in life, there is nothing better than reading the word of the Lord. Meditate on it when you wake up and go to sleep.
Neuroscientists believe that practicing meditation helps increase the prefrontal cortex, the region responsible for feelings of happiness. Just five minutes of observing your breathing is enough to improve anxiety.
It's important to keep the following in mind: the way you see a situation determines whether you win or not. In this sense, if you only complain about life, God won't be pleased with that and victory can be taken away as a form of learning.
Why pray
To put your feelings of anxiety in God's hands, prayer is the solution. After all, when you take a moment to pray, you're talking directly to the Creator of the Universe.
When you need help at any time in your life, you can count on Him to help you. No one has to go through their battles alone. When anxiety plagues your heart, pray to God.
The Lord will give you all the peace you need in your life. Talk to God through the conversation and tell him everything you're feeling. If you think it's necessary, ask him for help in complicated situations. Remember: God hears everything and heeds men of faith.
Don't let anxiety take over your life. Whenever you are going through these situations, ask God for help. Remember that Jesus Christ took your sins to the cross, suffering the unimaginable. See what the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7:
"Cast all the anxiety you feel in your life on God. After all, the Almighty Lord takes care of us at all times, whether good or bad." Above all, keep the following in mind: For the Lord, Creator of the Universe, nothing is impossible.
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January 16th, 2023
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.