No one can live without committing sin. That's because Adam and Eve, by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, made all their descendants naturally sinful. However, is it possible to stop sinning?
There is salvation through Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that you can reach God. This means respectfully following Christian precepts, including not abandoning your religious activities for anything.
However, making such internal transformations so as not to commit any more sins, as Jesus Christ taught and was an example of, is a lengthy process, which may not even end during our lifetime.
When you commit a sin, you may feel distant from God. The first step to obtaining God's forgiveness, which is granted to everyone, is to truly repent and ask for his forgiveness.

The importance of faith in Jesus Christ
It's natural for you, as a practicing Christian, to want to keep yourself free from sin. Temptation after temptation, impulse after impulse, it becomes difficult to resist sins.
However, you have to have faith in Jesus Christ, who is the only way to God the Father's salvation, in order to resist the temptation to commit a sin. On your own, you can become tired, frustrated and even self-conscious.
Once united with Jesus Christ, there is the possibility of finding the strength, faith, hope and optimism to get through a period of temptation and the impulse to commit a sin victoriously. However, how do we enter into communion with Jesus Christ?
First of all, you have to stop obsessing about whether or not to commit a sin. This doesn't mean not resisting sin, but stopping obsessing about it.
Instead, turn your thoughts to the light of Jesus Christ. This means living by his example and teachings completely, without being worried, anxious or even paralyzed by fear of sinning.
A life in communion with Christ
By living a life in communion with Christ, there is less chance of committing sins. There are some good Christian practices that you can apply in your life so that you don't live in fear either.
First, know that a sin can be forgiven by God. You need to repent, ask Him for forgiveness and change internally so that you never commit that sin again. It may not be a simple task, but it is your path to salvation as a practicing Christian.
By living fully according to the precepts of Christianity and following the example of Jesus Christ, you will feel lighter, life will be quieter, more peaceful and without so much shame, guilt or self-blame.
Know that all human beings commit sins. The difference is that some decide to show repentance and change and others simply don't follow Christian precepts.
Their solution is to live in communion with Jesus Christ, minimizing the risks of committing sins and still having ways to obtain God's forgiveness when committing a sin.
What are some good actions you can take to stop committing sins?
There are some good practices you can have as a Christian to stay away from sin, to know how to guarantee your salvation when you commit a sin and to have a full Christian life.
1. Study the Bible a lot
To know right from wrong (i.e. what is sin) according to the precepts of Christianity, you need to study the Bible a lot. So take some time each day to read some of the most important passages in the Bible.
Nowadays, there are virtual Bible options that you can download for free on your cell phone to read even on public transport or during free time, such as the Holy Bible or the JFA Offline Bible.
To find them, go to your official app store: Google Play Store (for Android) and App Store (for iOS) and search for the name of the app.
2. Ask your religious leaders for advice
In times of conflict, temptation or the urge to commit a sin, ask your church leaders for guidance. They are more experienced and able to offer Christian advice for your situation.
3. Pray always
To keep your life in communion with God and Jesus Christ, the ideal is to pray always, whether before going to bed, waking up or whenever you feel the need. This is a powerful way of keeping sins at bay and achieving your salvation, as well as transforming you into a better person.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.