One of the biggest questions Christians have is about the trinity that is God. This is a certainty that we have according to the Bible. However, understanding what this means is very complex for most people.
This is because we can't conceive of this reality, our minds are too small and limited to really understand it. But as with most things we can't see or explain, faith is essential.
In this sense, the Bible assures us that God is a trinity and we must believe without necessarily understanding, after all, God is greater than our ability to understand him.
We can be sure of this in several passages.

Is Jesus God?
In John 1, verse 1, he says that, in the beginning, Jesus was with God and was God. In this way, it is clear that Jesus and God are one, since only the essence of God could have been with him from the beginning, and the essence is God himself, since only he existed.
In John 8, from verse 58 onwards, Jesus himself makes this claim. Explaining to the Jews how he could have seen Abraham, Jesus told them that before Abraham existed, he already was, that is, he already existed.
They then concluded that, with this statement, Jesus meant that he was God himself, since, as a man, he could not have existed for so long.
In Exodus 3, verses 13 and 14, God, answering Moses about his name, said that he was the I Am. In the same way, Jesus, when asked who he was, claimed to be the I Am. Thus, it is clear that God and Jesus are one.
In addition, at various other times, the Bible shows us that Jesus really is God. Among them, we can cite Matthew 28, verse 9, where Jesus allowed the people to worship him, but he was a Jew, and his beliefs said that only God could be worshipped, never men.
Another moment was in Mark 2, verses 5 to 7, when Jesus forgave sins and, once again, this was an action that only God could do, showing us that he was God himself.
Likewise, there are several other passages that make this explicit. But you only have to look at Jesus' actions to see that only God could act like him. Unlike all men, Jesus was not only human, but holy, guided by the Holy Spirit himself - after all, God is a trinity.
We have therefore seen that Jesus really is God. Jesus is the human form of God. He decided to go through the human experience in order to save us and teach us how to live.
In this sense, Jesus lived like us, he was born a baby, he grew and learned like us. He felt hunger, thirst, tiredness and pain like anyone else. His main difference was that he was sinless. Jesus is holy. That's why he always acted differently, even though he was a child.
For example, when he was twelve, he went to Jerusalem with his parents to celebrate the Passover. On the way back, his parents realized that he had been left behind. After much searching, they found him in the temple, preaching, answering questions and teaching the men there about the scriptures.
So everyone was amazed at his great wisdom, even though he was so small, he was already very wise.
We need to learn from all his actions. Jesus taught us many things, including how to forgive, how to love, how to honor our families and, above all, how to follow God.
In many situations we act out of anger, on impulse, and end up being spiteful and mean. But we need to put into practice what Jesus taught us and learn to forgive and love our neighbor.
Sometimes we don't understand other people's attitudes and so we can't forgive or act with love.
But Jesus at one point asked God to forgive us, because we didn't know what we were doing. So we need to reflect on this.
Sometimes we think the other person is wrong and we don't want to forgive them, but we have to know that, from their point of view and in the context of their life, they are doing what they think is right.
Everyone does the best they can with what they have. So, just as Jesus asked forgiveness for us because we didn't know what we were doing, we also need to look at our brothers and sisters and forgive them.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.