Nowadays, it's very difficult to find time every day to study the Bible or even attend services and understand exactly what God expects of you.
The Bible is a composite of complete sacred texts, but it's a large book to read in a short space of time and some passages are difficult to interpret. It can therefore be difficult to fully understand what God expects of you through the Bible's directives, teachings, lessons and parables.
Even if you have an active religious life, with good practices such as prayer, religious reflection, attending services and masses, it is difficult to fully learn what God expects of you.

What does God expect of me?
In fact, the purest and most truly Christian example that God has sent to earth as a role model is Jesus Christ. Even so, it seems a difficult task to be like Jesus Christ.
That's because we were created as sinners. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, God condemned all their descendants as sinners.
The true path to salvation is to follow the example of Jesus Christ and all the Christian guidelines in the Bible. To learn a little more about what God expects of you, here are some qualities that God expects of any practicing Christian.
1. Love God above all things
This is a well-known teaching among Christians. It's not so difficult to understand, but it is difficult to apply in life. You have to love God above all else: money, career, material goods, yourself and other things in life.
In other words, you have to put God above everything else, not love your car, your house or even the amount of money you earn each month. Following this reasoning, there are various ways of loving God above all else. Each person has their own way of loving.
However, the best way to show your love for God is to truly follow Christian precepts, repent and ask for forgiveness when you commit a sin and not make the same mistake twice.
2. Obedience to God
The Bible is a compilation of sacred texts that serves as a manual on how to conduct yourself as a true Christian. It is through learning the Bible (whether through individual study, research or even attending services) that you will understand all the biblical precepts. By practicing this, it will be easier to understand what God expects of you and to obey Him.
Obedience is a way of showing trust in God, as well as respect for his Creation, his teachings and humble faith in him.
Even if you don't understand all of God's guidelines for true Christian conduct, be sure to put what you've learned into practice.
3. Unshakable trust in God
Having faith in God means having an unshakeable trust in him. According to Psalm 62:2, you must have a faith like an unshakable rock in God.
This means that even in times of suffering, you have to trust in God. He has a purpose for everything. In this sense, in difficult times, it is not recommended to become desperate, stop believing in God or even become stagnant.
The ideal is to trust in God, so that the solution comes at the right time. Only by maintaining a posture of obedience, resignation and faith is it possible to reap the good fruits that only a period of suffering can generate.
4. Don't be afraid of the future
If you are a practicing Christian, who follows the precepts of Christianity, asks for forgiveness and makes a transformation every time you commit a sin, attends mass or services, has obedience and faith towards God, there is no reason to fear the future, even on the most difficult days.
As we said in the previous topic, God has a purpose for every situation in your life. An illness can help you be more patient, for example, or take better care of your health. A problem in the family can bring you closer together.
After each storm, if you truly believe in the Lord and have an active faith, in which you do what you can to change a situation of suffering, you are sure to reap good fruit for life.
5. Being generous
It's important to be generous, because it's a quality that God expects of you. This means being generous with the tithes offered to the church and also in helping others.
God has instructed us to love our neighbor. This means offering help when it is needed. It could be consoling a friend or family member, helping with church charities or through small, generous gestures in everyday life that don't implicitly involve money.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.