
A prayer for success in studies is suitable for students who want to concentrate or achieve a goal. By saying this prayer, you can maintain peace of mind and a clear mind and concentrate fully. Check it out below. 

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Prayer for success in your studies

Through prayer for success in studiesBy saying this prayer, the faithful are able to maintain peace of mind and a clear mind, which is fundamental to achieving their goals. When saying this prayer, students don't worry about obstacles, regardless of distraction. 

If you believe in the power of prayer, but are facing external elements that take away your concentration, prayer is the answer. After all, through all the faith and spiritual forces around you, you can face any obstacle. 

There are various prayers for success in your studies, such as the prayer of Thomas Aquinas, which helps you concentrate. This saint is admired by Catholics for his intelligence and enlightened knowledge. 

Prayer of Thomas Aquinas

As mentioned above, Thomas Aquinas is admired among the faithful for his intelligence and enlightened knowledge. In this sense, by saying the saint's prayer, you can increase your concentration and achieve your goals. Check it out below:

"Creator, You who are the source of light and science, deliver me from all the darkness beneath my intelligence with a ray of clarity. Give me your intelligence so that I can understand, ease in learning, subtlety in interpretation and abundance in speech. 

Grant me the truth of truths, the intelligence to know you and the diligence to seek you out. Guide me through my life's journey, my God, grant me knowledge and help me to do good. Amen."

In short, Aquinas was a Catholic priest who updated Aristotelian thought during the Middle Ages. It is important to mention that Aquinas is the greatest reference of Scholasticism, a thought developed during the expansion and domination of the Catholic Church in Europe. 

Student Prayer

There are many prayers to say to achieve your goals, whether at school, college, university or entrance exams. If you believe that faith helps move boundaries, check out the student prayer:

"Lord, I believe it's worth studying. By studying, the gift you have given me will yield more and I will be able to serve people better. By studying, I am sacrificing myself. Lord, allow great ideas to emerge about myself through study. 

Please, Jesus Christ, accept my memory, my intelligence and my will. Through your strength, Lord, may I receive the ability to study. Place me in your hands, everything is yours. May Your will be done. 

Lord, help me to be disciplined, both inside and out. Make me truthful, both in my words, actions and silences. Never let others think that I am what I am not. Deliver me, Lord, from the temptation to stick. 

Help me to cultivate happiness so that I can bear witness to true joy. Give me, Lord, the happiness of having friends and knowing how to respect all their conversations and attitudes. May it be so, amen. 

Prayer to help your children study

Last but not least, it's common for parents or guardians to worry about their children's studies. Through prayers for concentration, it is possible to get rid of obstacles in all processes. Check it out below:

"Lord almighty, have mercy on my son and don't let him fall into temptations and obstacles during his studies. Don't let him do badly in exams or assessments. Give him all the wisdom and intelligence to achieve his goals. 

My Jesus Christ, grant him wisdom so that he can overcome his subjects and achieve a future full of prosperity. If I am worthy, my Lord, put my prayer in mind and guide my son on his study journey. Amen.

In all prayers, the faithful need to find a quiet environment in which to pray. Also, to increase the power of your prayer, don't forget to say seven Our Fathers and seven Hail Marys after each prayer. 

Remember: prayers were created for believers to achieve their goals. In order to achieve them, it is essential to use all the necessary means, such as books, notebooks, video lessons, etc.