A prayer to find lost thingsAs the name suggests, it is indicated for the faithful who have lost an important object and need to find it urgently. At this time, it is common to contact Saint Anthony or Saint Longuinho. Check it out below.

Prayer to find lost objects and things
If you've lost an object and don't know what to do to find it, one of the recommendations is the prayer to find lost things. There are many prayers and saints to turn to at such times.
São Longuinho is popularly called by Brazilians when someone loses an important object. Although there are no reports that he actually existed, or who exactly he was, the image is regularly found.
This man is dressed like a monk, his hand raised to his face with a lantern. People who pray to São Longuinho make a request to find lost objects or things.
As soon as the devotees make the request and find what they have lost, they should jump up and down three times and say "São Longuinho". As mentioned above, Saint Anthony is another person to turn to when you lose something.
In addition to being a matchmaker, St. Anthony also finds lost things. Moreover, in the first case, this saint is the one who finds a man for the woman he wants to marry. If you urgently need to find something, some prayers are recommended. Check them out below:
São Longuinho
If you lose an object that you urgently need to find, the prayer of São Longuinho is one of the solutions. This is a popular belief among Brazilians, who usually call on him to find something. Check it out below:
"Saint Longuin, the one who helps people who are looking for lost objects, please help me to find the object I have lost (name it). And when I find it, may I be able to improve the use of my time to honor God.
Please grant me this glory and help other people find their objects, and all together we will live with Your grace. Amen.
Prayer to find an object urgently
There are several prayers to find a lost object urgently. To achieve your goal, pray this prayer in a quiet environment without interruptions. This is the best way to obtain divine blessing.
"Lord, help me find a lost object that I've never found. I lost (name the object or thing) a while ago and I've never been able to find it again. I need your help to get it.
This object is very valuable in my life. All the help given is of the utmost importance in finding it and will be thanked with all my heart. Lord, your power helps people, all because I liked divine help.
Please help me and I promise to help you too. I'll give you a white candle at the end of this prayer to light your way so that you can guide me to find the lost object. May it be so, amen.
The request is made to find something that has been lost. In addition, this prayer is relatively famous among Brazilians. Although it is popular in some regions of Brazil, it is not so popular in others.
Saint Anthony
If you want to find something you've lost, whether it's an object or something else, St. Anthony's prayer is a great way to pray. As well as being a matchmaker, the saint helps in these causes.
"Saint Anthony, since you have received from God the power to find lost objects, please help me at this time. Through your help, make me find the lost object (say the name of the object / thing).
Above all, reach out to me through living faith, with a firm hope and a docility ready to do God's will. Please let me possess only the things of this world and know how to value them properly.
Please, Lord, help me to find something I've never borrowed and fight for the things I've won. May no thief be able to snatch my utensils. May it be so, amen.
Prayers don't always work. On the other hand, prayers are highly effective, as long as you have faith and high energy. In other words, before saying any prayers, get into a peaceful environment and maintain good energy.
That way, you have a better chance of finding something you've lost. The main point is to keep your faith high.
See also: Prayer for those who are suffering a lot
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.