A prayer to forget a loverThis book, as its name suggests, is for people who believe in God and want to move on. After all, no person who truly loves another can bear to lose them, for whatever reason. Check it out below.

Prayer to forget a lover
If you've recently ended your relationship or your partner has left you, the prayer to forget a lover is an excellent suggestion. These prayers will help you get over it, regardless of how the breakup happened.
First of all, if there are doubts about whether or not love will continue, it's essential to pay attention to the signs. This is an important moment to understand whether or not love is going to end, as well as to prepare yourself to deal with the break-up effectively.
Before getting to know the prayers to forget a great love, it's important to observe the signs, such as: feeling alone, disrespected or ignored; when the relationship causes you more pain than joy; when you feel emotionally and physically exhausted; among others.
If you're going through this situation, or are seeing these signs frequently in your relationship, it's time to let go and focus on you. In this way, you can build a quality life in all areas: personal, emotional and spiritual.
Most people imagine that once a relationship is over, it's over. This is quite normal. After all, the pain that follows a broken heart is great, but it's not impossible to get over it.
Prayer to forget an old flame
First of all, it's important to keep the following in mind: to want is to be able. If you want to forget an old flame, regardless of how the break-up happened, this prayer can help you. Check it out below:
"Lord, if you are listening to my prayer, hear the distressed plea of my heart that is suffering from the loss of a love. Jesus Christ, right now my life seems to be disappearing like smoke.
Almighty God, I've lost the will to eat, the will to drink and I'm groaning with pain and suffering. I'm living like a lonely bird on the highest branch of a dry tree. In you, Lord, I can find all the consolation I need.
Through all your love and relief, make me able to bear the pain. Please make my light not go out, but live in Your light. May I be strengthened in Your mercy and find peace and consolation in You. May it be so, amen.
Prayer to forget a love
If you're going through a difficult period in your relationship, prayers are the answer. It's time to move on in your love life. Finally, to find the peace and consolation you need, know that God will never stop being by your side. Check them out below:
"Jesus Christ, free my heart from every bad or negative feeling that insists on imprisoning me. I am sure of all your mercy and power. I thank you in advance for your deliverance. Amen.
Prayer for new love
Now that you know the main prayers to get over a lover, it's time to learn a prayer to win a new love. Once you've gone through the break-up period, this is the opportunity to strengthen yourself. Check it out below:
"Lord, please make it possible for me to dream a new dream (to have a new love), and for my wish to come true. Heal my heart of all its wounds, since it is suffering from anguish and loneliness.
Through your strength and my peace, as well as joy and hope, may I be able to find new love. Remind me that the darker the night, the better the chances of seeing the stars.
Please, Almighty Lord, deliver me from all the things that harm my soul and put everything in its place. Grant me infinite protection, for I love you. May it be so, amen.
Prayer to take your mind off someone
Last but not least, this prayer is suitable for people who want to put someone out of their mind.
"Lord Almighty, help me. I'm filled with tears and this has never happened before. Please take this pain away from me. Make the anguish that invades my chest go away. May it be so, amen.
See also: Prayers for urgent and impossible causes
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.