A prayer for those who are suffering a lot is recommended for people who don't know where else to turn. As long as you have a lot of faith in your prayer, you can get rid of any problem in life. Check it out below.

Prayer for those who are suffering a lot
First and foremost, prayers are said by people who need divine help to achieve their goals, whatever they may be. If you are going through a lot of anguish in your life, or know someone who is suffering a lot, prayers can help.
Everyone has experienced difficult and challenging moments in life, whether more or less intensely. If you are going through moments of anguish, the prayer for those who are suffering a lot can help.
There are striking cases and stories that create deep wounds in people's lives. This negative emotional charge tends to get in the way of anyone, provoking different reactions.
People react to pain differently, but most of the time it is negative. This pain usually reaches the soul, causing sadness, loss of faith and discouragement. This can lead to serious illnesses such as depression.
At times like these, people close themselves off and turn their backs on the best the universe has to offer. In these circumstances, people often turn to prayers. Check them out below:
Prayer for those in great distress
In principle, it is part of anyone's growth to go through sad and happy times, as well as the loss and death of someone. It's important to reflect and know how to overcome loss, at which point prayers can help. Take a look:
"Lord, for you there is no dead end, there are no problems without solutions and nothing is impossible. You who make water gush out of stone, and water overflow into wine. You give orders to the winds and the sea, no bird falls from the earth without Your will.
Lord, who takes care of the birds that fly in the sky, who gives food and clothing to people, perform a miracle in my life. My faith is weak, despite your grace and mercy. Please forgive me and heal my wounds, increasing my faith. I have never given up on finding You.
Upon your name I lift up my head. Lord, cast out all anguish and fear from my soul; in your name I will fear no evil. For the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want.
Please, Almighty God, I accept that I am Yours and everything in my life belongs to You. Make my bonds free. Lord, make me feel free and let go of everything. Grant me this mercy and blessing. Amen.
Overcoming prayer
The overcoming prayer, as its name suggests, is recommended for overcoming complicated moments in life. As with any prayer, it is essential to find a peaceful environment in which to pray it. Check it out below:
"Almighty God, with your omnipresence and mercy, grant the immensity of your love and mark your presence in every moment of my life. I am facing a very difficult time, but I know that I will overcome it with your assistance.
Lord, your holy mantle covers me and removes all anguish from my life, as well as defeats and doubts of victory. Holy Spirit, please shine within me, just as you did with Jesus Christ.
Through your presence, with all generosity and kindness, please make it possible for me to gain strength at this time. I pray that I can hear the voice of the Lord, Almighty God, through the love in my heart. Lead me on a good path with good decisions.
Lord, your word that works as a weapon, just as your power is the instrument to achieve unimaginable miracles, let this blessing fall upon me. I have faith in you, I know that you will break down all these barriers and that you are keeping the best for me.
Please, Lord, if I fall, support me, lift me up. I entrust all my problems into your hands, because only with you can I get through this period. In times of weariness, embrace me and carry me along the difficult path. May it be so, amen.
See also: Prayers for urgent and impossible causes
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.