Sometimes, especially on the first days of the week, like Monday or Tuesday, it's hard to find the energy to go about your daily routine, isn't it?
There are even more particularly difficult times to live through, such as those periods of suffering that never seem to end.
However, Jesus Christ showed that through God, He can work miracles in your life. To deserve a miracle, you need to follow true Christian precepts.
However, there are some periods of suffering that you need to go through, simply to reap better rewards in your life later on.

Start the morning knowing about God's miracles
This is the case with an illness, which can teach you to have more faith and patience, or a family conflict that increases unity between family members after reconciliation, among other small everyday miracles.
Know that a miracle isn't necessarily great. It could be a simple help from an unknown person, to help you through a time of suffering, for example.
However, the Bible is full of great miracles performed by Jesus Christ through God. This means that miracles can also happen in your life.
Are you struggling to get up at the start of the week or are you finding it difficult to carry out everyday tasks because you're going through a time of extreme difficulty?
So you need to know about God's miracles, performed by Jesus Christ, which can bless you in one way or another and show that God can deliver you from any adverse situation: you need faith, patience, resignation and obedience.
What are the purposes of the miracles performed by Jesus Christ?
God doesn't allow anything without a concrete plan. Therefore, there was a purpose for which Jesus Christ performed each of his great miracles.
According to Acts 10:38, the purpose of Jesus Christ's miracles was to show God's mercy and his entire plan for human beings. According to John 4:48, through the miracles of Jesus Christ, God wanted to ignite faith in the hearts of humanity.
Jesus Christ's most popular miracles involve physical healing, but that's not all. God's mercy is extensive. Learn about the main miracles performed by Jesus Christ, as God's plan, to encourage you to get out of bed in the morning and live fully in communion with God.
1. Abundant fishing
God does not let you lack what you need to live in constant spiritual growth, among other areas of your life. This is demonstrated in the fourth miracle performed by Jesus Christ.
This miracle took place when Jesus Christ's apostles were trying to fish in the Sea of Galilee. The apostles tried everything, but nothing worked. The fishing was unsuccessful.
Jesus decided to intervene, to show God's power when the apostles were already discouraged, tired and frustrated. Jesus asked Peter to move the boat away from the shore.
However, there was a conflict. The apostles were dissatisfied with their unsuccessful results and no longer wanted to continue. However, Jesus encouraged them to continue, even after an all-nighter.
They were rewarded for their obedience to the Lord, as well as their patience, effort and dedication. The catch was plentiful, so much so that the nets almost broke with so many fish.
The lesson of this miracle is not to give up on life or your small daily goals, and to maintain true Christian conduct. At the right time, God offers the reward.
2. The miracle cure
In Jesus' sixth miracle, he proved that no family living together in God needs to be afraid or worried about moments of suffering.
Peter arrived at Simon Peter's house. The man's mother-in-law was ill. Jesus held the woman's hand and healed her completely. In this way, we can understand that families who live according to Christian precepts may go through difficult times, but God is by their side.
3. Calming the storm
This is one of the most famous miracles of Jesus Christ, which can keep your faith burning, even in the face of adversity.
Jesus invited his disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee. Halfway across, the sea was rough, the wind was strong and Jesus Christ was asleep.
The apostles came into conflict with Jesus Christ for sleeping in the middle of a possible shipwreck. Jesus was woken up against his will. Soon after, he performed the miracle of calming the wind and the waves.
This just shows that in any adverse situation in your life, you have to have faith in Jesus Christ and in God that things will be better
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.