Firstly, there is no mention in the Bible of dating, at any age. That's because there was no such thing as commitment in that culture and region.
However, marriages were arranged by the parents of the bride and groom. There was a commitment celebration (engagement) and then a wedding ceremony.
There is speculation that Joseph and Mary would have been old enough to be considered teenagers at the time of their engagement. However, societies have changed a lot and it is now very common for teenagers to have several boyfriends before considering marriage.

For Christianity, this practice is wrong and is even considered a sin. This is because teenagers are entering into fleeting, casual flings with no intention of getting married. When, in fact, the time before marriage should be the equivalent of an engagement.
That's why it's so difficult to understand whether dating in your teens is a sin. Not least because people nowadays have a higher life expectancy and end up postponing the decision to get married until their mid-30s.
All this can lead to inappropriate behavior on the part of teenagers and a lack of biblical material to guide them correctly about dating. However, there is a passage in the Bible in Song of Songs 8:4 that guides us not to awaken love before its time.
This means that getting involved in adventure-seeking, superficial relationships and carnal relationships without the intention of getting married is considered inappropriate, not to say sinful, which would be very aggressive, given all the progress humanity has made.
For this reason, there is a correct statement in Christianity that a courtship should only be established with the aim of getting married soon.
What is the right age for dating according to the Bible?
The right age for dating according to the Bible varies from person to person. However, there are some tips and answers that can help you understand whether or not you are ready to date. Check them out:
1. Love your neighbor as yourself
One of the Lord's greatest commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself. So if you have problems loving yourself, you're not ready to date.
With problems of emotional dependency, emotional insecurities, obsession, exaggerated jealousy, low self-esteem, low self-confidence and other problems related to your mental and emotional health, there is no possibility of loving a partner as you love yourself.
That's because you haven't learned to love yourself properly. There is time to mature and heal these wounds.
2. Love God above all things
This tip or advice goes the other way around. If you're someone who, when you start dating, puts aside biblical precepts and religious activities to enjoy your partner, you're not ready to date.
That's because you need to love God above all things. You can't abandon him for a fling.
3. Wedding plans
Like Joseph and Mary's (still teenage) commitment to get engaged and then married, understand whether you are ready to get married within a few months of starting a relationship.
If you're in a period of study, work, personal achievements, spending a lot of time with your family and you don't want to put everything aside just yet to get married, then you're not ready to date.
4. Escape immorality
The Bible is very clear on the subject of premarital sex: under no circumstances should it happen. If you're looking for a relationship just to satisfy carnal desires, you're not ready to date.
5. Knowing how to love others as they are
If you're still very self-centered, selfish and proud, to the point of judging, gossiping and criticizing even the people you love the most, you haven't matured enough to date. This is because dating involves complete love for another person, even with their faults.
God has instructed us not to judge others. You can't be happy in a relationship by always criticizing your partner.
6. Ability to give of oneself
In a healthy Christian relationship, you have to make some personal sacrifices. This could be giving up something you enjoy. If you're not yet mature, don't want to or prefer not to give yourself to a partner, you're not ready to date.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.