Living in a predominantly Christian society, at some point we hear about God's constant presence (omnipresence), all his power (omnipotence) and his absolute wisdom (omniscience). However, these concepts often generate doubts, since there is no other being with the same characteristics.
In this context, we can evaluate the etymology of words to facilitate understanding. The prefix of Latin origin oniIn this way, it qualifies the three words in a way that refers to the science, presence and knowledge of God in a total way.

In this sense, omniscience is the word to explain God's characteristic of possessing all knowledge. Following the etymology, science is the term that designates knowledge. So, together, the prefix oni and the term science give rise to the word that means God's absolute knowledge.
The word omnipotence is the term related to God's unlimited power, since potency derives from potensomnipotent is a Greek term meaning "the one who can". In other words, omnipotent is the one who can do everything, who has all power.
Omnipresence, on the other hand, refers to God's presence everywhere at the same time. This is because, although he lives in a specific place and is only physically present in one place, he observes everything and can act anywhere.
Where did these concepts come from?
The three words are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but their meanings are.
In many passages it is common to describe God as all-powerful, in other words, omnipotent. For example, in Mark 10, verse 27, Jesus says that nothing is impossible for God, so it follows that because of his immense power, he can accomplish anything
God's omniscience and omnipresence are also mentioned. In verse 7 of Psalm 139, it is said that there is no escaping God, so God's presence is evident everywhere. In Jeremiah 10, verse 12, God's absolute knowledge is made clear when he mentions that he has established the world with his wisdom.
Furthermore, in addition to clear citations of the three characteristics, there are many situations in the Bible in which it is possible to attribute these properties to God. As an example, in Exodus 15, verse 19, when God opens the sea for Moses and the children of Israel to pass through, we see how omnipotent He is, since by possessing all power, He does something considered impossible, which is to open the sea.
From this perspective, in all of God's deeds we can see his omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent nature. He always knows the real intention of each person, he knows about all situations, regardless of location, and he can do things that are impossible for anyone else.
Reflections on the concepts of omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience
For those who have faith, God is perfect and remains the same. He will always be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. There is no way to explain how he has these characteristics. It is only possible to believe and confirm through faith.
At many times we are unable to understand God's actions, since, being omnipotent, he can do anything to help us and, because of his omniscience, he knows what will result from our actions.
From this perspective, many everyday situations make us question the way God acts. But it is important to know that it is precisely because he is omniscient that he allows many events to happen to us, because he knows our future and knows how these situations will affect us, whether positively or negatively.
Bad things often happen even though God is omnipotent. Although he can do anything, God allows many things to happen to us for our own good.
In general, we don't understand it at the time, but in the end, everything is in God's plan, for a greater purpose. Most of the time, God allows bad situations to teach us lessons and make us evolve.
Finally, for those who have faith, these three characteristics of God are a comfort to the soul. This is because, being omnipresent, He will always be with us, regardless of the place or situation, since He is everywhere at the same time. Being omniscient, He knows what will happen and therefore allows us to go through different situations.
And because he is omnipotent, we can believe that, through faith, God can make what we most desire happen, even if it is impossible for human eyes.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.