According to Genesis 1:1-5, on the first day of Creation, God created Heaven and Earth. However, the Earth was empty and lifeless, as well as shapeless. In addition, there was a lot of darkness. Throughout Creation, God created everything necessary for human beings to survive on Earth, in addition to human beings themselves, vegetation and animals.
In this sense, it is possible to understand that on the first day of Creation, God created Heaven and Earth (this includes the entire Universe). However, there was darkness. There was no light.

God also created water, since God himself could move on water. Before creating the sun and the stars, God also created light to fill the darkness.
In this sense, it was necessary to separate the created light from the darkness. God also named day and night.
God's creations on the first day took place through God's actions in the physical and material realms.
Interpreting Creation to draw Christian lessons and apply them to your life
In Psalms 8:3, it is said that Creation is a foretaste of God's glory. In Romans 1:20, it is stated that God made his revelation through everything that was created. This period can only be fully understood through faith (Hebrews 11:3,6).
In this sense, the Bible does not explain how Creation took place. All of Creation is determined only as a narration of facts that were true, encouraging your faith to believe in God's Creation of everything.
At the beginning of Creation, God's supreme power was evident. The Earth was empty of life, plunged into darkness and without day or night. The Universe itself was plunged into darkness.
That was the beginning of everything. God created everything that exists in a few days, which today is the period to mark the exact time of a week. This elucidates God's enormous power, which is indisputable. It shows the need to Love God Above All Things.
Light and darkness
As has already been said, God created light and enjoyed his creation. Then he had to separate light and darkness. This can be a metaphor for your life too.
You have to do as God did on the first day of Creation: separate your light from your darkness. Darkness is your primitive instincts, which lead you to commit certain sins.
Light, on the other hand, is found within you by following Christian precepts in your life. You have to interpret the stages of Creation in order to transform yourself into a true Christian.
Next, God separated the firmament. From verse 6 to verse 10 of Genesis 1, the Lord separated portions of water on the earth, through which he moved. Oceans, seas and beaches were separated.
This can be interpreted as follows for your life: you have different areas to invest in life in a healthy and Christian way. Everything needs to be in its proper place and with the proper care.
You have to make sure that your work, family, self-care, relationships with friends and even your leisure time are effectively practiced on a daily basis, creating a balance in your life, just as God separated the firmament.
Then, from verses 11 to 13 of 1 Genesis, God created all vegetation, the first remnant of life on Earth. In this sense, you can understand that God wants you to be prosperous, fruitful and not stagnant. The best way to do this is through internal changes, following biblical precepts.
In 1 Genesis, from verse 14 to 19, God created the sun and the stars, then the moon. You can do the same in your life. The first step is to know the Christian precepts, the second step is to make an internal transformation to follow them.
Then, in verses 20-25, God created the animals. In this sense, we need to love and care for God's creation, having respect for the animals. This is a way of praising God: having respect for all his creation.
From verses 26 to 28, God created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his image and likeness. So there are ways in which you can make a transformation into an exceptionally Christian person. However, you have to make an effort to do so.
Finally, all the stages of Creation can teach you a lesson, based on God's own choices and his phases in Creation. This is a way of interpreting the whole of Creation so that you can become a true Christian.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.