God created the world in seven days and dedicated each of them to specific tasks.
On the third day of creation, God made the oceans and their derivations, called the waters tides and made the earth, separating the waters from the dry part of the planet. On the same day, he also created the first living beings, the plants.
He made all the vegetation, the seed-bearing species, the trees, the fruit and all the flora in general. All of this is written in the book of Genesis, which by the concept of the word (Genesis derives from Latin and means the origin of something), already takes us back to all of God's creation, to the origin of everything.

In some interpretations, it is possible to infer different meanings for the creations of the third day. For example, some believe that by creating the tides and the land, these creations can be used as metaphors to talk about the creation of nations and countries, since at many points in the Bible, the term tides represents the peoples of the world and the term land represents countries.
In this sense, when God commands the tides to come together (Genesis 1, verse 9), it can also represent the union of peoples. God wants his children to be united in harmony, even if their cultures are different, we are all the same.
There is also the interpretation that when talking about trees, when God calls them, an analogy can be made to us humans. A tree goes through a process of maturing and growing in order to bear fruit. In the same way, we need to grow and evolve, bringing fruit into our reality, fruit in the sense of achieving results and spreading blessings.
This is also said in Psalm 1, verse 3: in the book, it is said that the tree (us) needs to bear its fruit in its time and that planted by the waters (which could be the word of God), its leaves will not fall and everything it does will prosper.
Another analysis is made by people who believe in science, combining the Bible with the concepts of biology, so that the Holy Book once again shows us that it brings us the truth. This is because God's sequence of creations occurred exactly in line with the way nature works within the field of science.
According to studies, the hypothesis most accepted by scholars is that photosynthesizing beings, i.e. plants, emerged first, because it is through them that other organisms obtain oxygen, an important component for the survival of living beings.
In this way, the relationship is evident, since God created plants first and then the other living beings.
Reflecting on the third day of Creation
With the creations of the third day, we see once again how good and perfect God is. He thought of every detail for us to be here today. When we look at nature, we can reflect on God's greatness.
There are many different incredible landscapes, multiple animals and plants of different species, each with its own details and peculiarities existing in perfect harmony. In other words, God thought of everything.
In this sense, it's clear that if we're part of creation, it's for a purpose too. Sometimes we haven't discovered it yet, either because we're far from God or because the time isn't right.
But we all have a role to play in this world and through God's teachings we can discover our mission on Earth and grow ever closer to him.
Therefore, it is important to continue living according to the principles of the Holy Scriptures and to be attentive to everything that happens in our lives. Many times we don't understand certain situations, but surely they also have a reason, which perhaps we will only understand when our purposes are fulfilled. Therefore, we must go forward in faith, even in difficult times.
With this, we must always do our best, regardless of the place or situation, and hope to achieve and fulfill God's plans for our lives.
Finally, it is also important to emphasize that we should be grateful for everything we have, for everything that God has created for us. We can see that all of creation has been thought out down to the smallest detail, including ourselves; God has thought of every detail of every individual.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.