
Marriage is often idealized as a perfect union of love and partnership. However, the reality is that many couples face periods of unhappiness and conflict. In this context, many turn to the scriptures and religious teachings for guidance and consolation. So what does God really say about unhappy marriages? Let's look at biblical texts and Christian wisdom to better understand this delicate issue.

Biblical perspectives on marriage

The purpose of marriage

The Bible presents marriage not only as a physical and emotional union, but also as a spiritual covenant before God. In Genesis, it is mentioned that "it is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18) and so God created a partner for Adam, initiating the institution of marriage. Ephesians 5:25 says: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." This verse underlines the idea of sacrifice and devotion that should characterize marriage.

Facing challenges in marriage

The Bible doesn't ignore the challenges of marriage. Proverbs 21:19, for example, mentions that "it is better to live in a corner of the roof than to have a quarrelsome woman as a companion in the wide house". This and other verses recognize that conflicts and difficulties are common in marriage relationships. However, the Scriptures also offer advice on how to deal with these difficulties, emphasizing patience, love, forgiveness and the search for peace.

What about an unhappy marriage?

The ideal of reconciliation

In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, Paul talks about the importance of keeping the marriage intact whenever possible: "I have commanded married couples, not I but the Lord, that the wife should not separate from her husband [...] and that the husband should not put away his wife." This indicates a clear preference for reconciliation and conflict resolution within marriage.

When separation is inevitable

Although the Bible encourages reconciliation, it also recognizes situations in which separation may be inevitable. In Matthew 19:9, Jesus mentions adultery as a legitimate reason for divorce: "I say to you that whoever puts away his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery." This suggests that although marriage should be preserved, there are extreme circumstances under which separation is permitted.

Guidance and Support for Marriages in Crisis

Search for advice

It is advisable to seek guidance and support when facing marriage difficulties. Counseling with spiritual leaders, couples therapy or support groups can offer new perspectives and resources for dealing with unhappiness in marriage.

The role of Prayer and Faith

Prayer is another powerful tool for dealing with an unhappy marriage. Asking God for wisdom, patience and guidance can bring comfort and clarity to a troubled heart. Faith can be a crucial support in times of marriage crisis.

A journey of mutual growth

While the Bible encourages the maintenance of marriage, it also offers guidance for those facing insurmountable challenges. An unhappy marriage is not a final destination; it can be an invitation for personal, spiritual and marital growth. With the right tools and a faith-oriented approach, it is possible to find solutions that respect spiritual values and promote the well-being of both partners.

If you are going through a difficult period in your marriage, remember that you are not alone. Seeking help, open communication and shared faith can be the first steps towards recovering marital happiness and harmony. How can you start applying these biblical principles to your relationship today?

See also: Blessed are the humble: what does that mean?

February 12, 2025