According to Mark 3:28-29, all your sins can be forgiven by God, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. However, you need to understand what the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit is.
Blasphemy is nothing more than the act of denying God completely and continually. There is no exact description of what it is to commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
However, you can find an explanation in the biblical context. The Pharisees accused Jesus Christ of exorcising demons with the help of Beelzebub, a kind of leader of all demons.
Jesus Christ explained that the statement was not correct, because Beelzebub does not commit acts against himself. Jesus Christ also warned that there are only two perspectives. There are the followers of Jesus and the people who are against him.
Right after that, it is said that every sin will be forgiven, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. In the biblical context, the Holy Spirit is God.
From these facts, you can understand that the Pharisees were rejecting Jesus Christ. This could be forgiven, but not blaspheming God continuously until the end of one's life.
For God to forgive any sin, you have to show repentance. However, denying repentance for the sin committed is also a way of rejecting the Holy Spirit, God himself. Therefore, this sin cannot be absolved.

What are the characteristics of the Holy Spirit?
As we answered earlier, the Holy Spirit is God. In the Bible, it is described that the Holy Spirit has feelings, wills, intercedes in humanity (according to Romans 8:26-27), as well as expressing the feeling of sadness and being a comforter.
It is also necessary to explain the origin of the word "Spirit" according to the Bible. "Spirit" can be translated as something that is invisible to human eyes.
In this sense, the concept of the characteristics of God that make up the Holy Spirit are: a person who is invisible to human eyes, but who can intervene in situations here on Earth. These are the concepts of omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience attributed to God in the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is like the wind. He is not made of matter, he is all-powerful and invisible.
Is the Holy Spirit a person?
Yes, as God is described in the Bible, the Holy Spirit is a person, not a divine force or power. According to John 14:16-17, Jesus Christ affirmed that the Holy Spirit is a person by calling him the Counselor. The Holy Spirit has several characteristics of a person, such as speaking, thinking, feeling and having a will of its own.
Some of the Holy Spirit's attributions can be found in the Bible. The Holy Spirit has the purpose of convincing a sinner to accept divine justice, promoting the lessons of Jesus Christ, transforming people into true Christians, guiding human behavior so that biblical precepts are followed and much more.
In this sense, the Holy Spirit is God himself, acting in many ways to bring you to him. That's why you can receive the Holy Spirit when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior.
This will bring the Holy Spirit closer to you. The Holy Spirit has the power to bring you closer to God, to take away your guilt for having committed a sin and to have faith in God and Jesus Christ.
And if I have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, how can I get forgiveness?
Many Christians who converted after the age of adolescence, or even as adults, may have committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
This is because a life without Him, without practicing Christian precepts and without believing in Him is the sin of blasphemy. However, for it to be an unforgivable sin, you have to continually deny God and show no repentance, which is not the case with converted Christians.
Most practicing Christians come to love God above all things, actively participate in religious activities, conduct themselves in a Christian manner and repent of their sins. In this sense, it is possible to stop continually denying God through an internal change.
The next step is to repent deeply for having committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the ideal is to ask God for forgiveness with total remorse in your heart.
In this sense, you still have hope of salvation. As Jesus Christ himself said, all sins can be forgiven. If you have converted, repented and asked him for forgiveness, you have not continually and completely blasphemed God.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.