Do you want to know what Jesus Christ says about divorce, specifically in the Bible? What are God's guidelines on adultery? Can a practicing Christian ask for a divorce? There are many questions about divorce that perpetuate the minds of Christians.
This kind of question is very common. The subject of divorce is a controversial one among Christians. In certain churches, the subject can even be controversial, where divorce is not advised under any circumstances.
However, you have to turn to the Bible for the right answers on the subject of divorce. Although there are various Christian religions, from evangelicals to Catholics, there are different interpretations of the mentions of divorce in the Bible.
Therefore, you have to be careful when making interpretations, so as not to misconduct yourself when considering divorce. In this sense, you need to find the biblical passages on divorce and analyze them correctly.

What does the Bible say about divorce?
Marriage is an institution sacred created by God since Creation. God created Adam and realized that it wasn't good to leave man alone. So God created Eve to be his companion.
There are important quotes about marriage in the Bible. According to Matthew 19:4-5, marriage is a sacred union that was not created to end. However, divorce was imposed in the law of Moses because of the hard hearts of human beings, who may not be able to overcome a crisis in marriage.
In this sense, there is the possibility of divorce according to the Bible, but this is not the standard set by Jesus Christ. The standard is union by marriage until the death of one of the spouses.
However, since human beings are susceptible to mistakes and sins, God understands that there are situations in which divorce can occur, without treating divorce as a sin.
In recent times, there have been many divorces, even among Christian couples. You should know that there are two reasons in the Bible why divorce is permitted according to Christian precepts.
1. Marrying an "indecent" wife or husband
According to Deuteronomy 24, if a man marries a woman and she behaves indecently, the best instruction is to ask for a divorce. However, there are wide interpretations of what can be considered "indecent" in a woman.
There are still other possible interpretations: does a wife also have the right to file for divorce because her husband has engaged in indecent behavior?
In this sense, if you are considering divorce because your spouse is behaving in a way that is considered indecent, it is best to ask your religious leaders for guidance, since each Christian religion can interpret this passage in different ways.
Therefore, to truly follow your Christian church, the ideal is to be guided by the interpretations of its religious leaders, so that you don't misconduct yourself by wanting a divorce for the wrong reasons: just because you interpreted the passage the wrong way.
In Ephesians 5:3-7, we can get a better idea of what can be considered indecent between a couple: covetousness, impurity, sexual immorality, immoral jokes, foolish talk, greed, idolatry and disobedience against Christ's precepts.
2. Being a victim of adultery
According to Matthew 19:9, a wife or husband who is the victim of adultery can ask for a divorce. However, marriage is a sacred institution, created by God, and should be taken into consideration before immediately thinking about divorce.
It is recommended to give the adulterous spouse at least a second chance. This goes against the instructions of Jesus Christ and God to forgive others as many times as necessary.
However, all Christians have a duty to repent of a sin committed, to ask God for forgiveness, to ask their spouse for forgiveness and not to sin in the same way again.
In this sense, the sinner needs to repent of their betrayal. In addition, they need to ask forgiveness from their betrayed spouse. Once they have been given a new chance to experience marriage, they must follow Christian precepts and no longer commit adultery.
In this sense, the spouse who has been the victim of betrayal can give the adulterer a second chance, forgive him or her, but hope that it doesn't happen again. If the sin is committed again, divorce is advised.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.