For true Christians, it takes attitudes, behaviors, thoughts and even morning habits to please God. These are powerful ways of improving your relationship with Him.
This kind of behavior is also powerful when it comes to following the Bible's teachings, lessons, guidelines and commandments to the letter.
In other words, they are practices to bring you closer to God, having Him as an ally in times of life's tribulations, as well as guaranteeing truly Christian and praiseworthy habits in God's eyes. This is the true way to keep God above all else in your life, as He Himself has instructed.

What pleases God
So learn some attitudes to start the day pleasing God, strengthening your relationship with Him and practicing Christian precepts.
1. Start the day with a prayer
Praying is a powerful way of connecting with God. Through prayer, you can ask to be granted certain requests, such as acquiring the strength, courage and fortitude to endure life's tribulations.
It is through prayer that you can also ask for the strength to resist temptations and impulses to commit a sin. When you commit a sin, through prayer, with repentance, you can also beg for forgiveness.
You can also show your love for others by asking for help for someone who is going through difficulties. Finally, you can show gratitude for the little and big things in your life, a feeling that is very pleasing in God's eyes.
2. Read the Bible
Unfortunately, it is not possible to have true Christian practices without knowing the conduct that God expects of each of us, through his teachings in the Bible.
In addition, knowing the true Christian precepts offers you countless opportunities, such as turning defects into virtues, finding solace in difficult times, understanding what is right and wrong according to Christianity and much more.
Reading the Bible is the duty of every practicing Christian. In this sense, take some time out of your morning to read passages from the Bible. You can also search for specific verses on a particular topic on the internet or other research sources.
3. Have some family time
Marriage is a sacred institution created by God at Creation. In this sense, God values the moments you spend with your family. In addition, there are the teachings of honoring father and mother, for example, which should always be practiced.
So it doesn't matter what your family composition is. The ideal is to spend quality time with all family members.
Nowadays, society is very busy with responsibilities and obligations, leaving the family to one side. This is not advisable. Take time to talk, have breakfast, say a prayer or read the Bible with your family at the start of the day.
4. Help someone
God's maxim to love your neighbor as yourself includes strangers. However, practicing generosity is highly recommended in order to please God.
However, it doesn't necessarily have to be generosity towards strangers, such as homeless people or abandoned dogs. It could be your own family or friends.
The importance of family to God has already been mentioned here in the article. In this sense, when you have some time and are willing to help someone early in the morning, thank God with an act of altruism.
5. Show gratitude
We've already mentioned that gratitude is a very pleasing feeling to God. This is because He is all-powerful. Without God in your life, there are no opportunities or tools to achieve anything, not even your daily meals.
Only God is able to provide you with what you need to conquer the small and big things in your life. So be grateful for the simplest things and the greatest victories.
As you pray, make a mental list of all the things you are grateful that God has provided for your life.
6. Take care of yourself
This tip may seem strange, but it makes perfect sense. God instructed us to "love your neighbor as yourself." This part, loving as yourself, is not possible without practicing self-love. In other words, you have to truly love yourself. So take some time to look after yourself and enjoy your own company at the start of the day.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.