According to Matthew 19:5, a man and a woman who come together in marriage are just one flesh. They are no longer two people, but one.
In this sense, extreme care must be taken when committing to a person in marriage, since it is a union blessed by God to last forever.
However, what does Christian teaching say about what you should expect from your spouse and your marriage? Know that there are only good things to come.
It's worth pointing out that it's not just you who should expect these attitudes from your spouse or benefits from the marriage: you are also an active member of the relationship and need to give of yourself in the same way.

What can you expect from your spouse and your Christian marriage?
In biblical teachings, there are some passages about what to expect from this union and also from your spouse. Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman that makes them one and is meant to last forever.
Understand what to expect from your spouse and your Christian marriage (and what to offer as well):
1. A complete love
According to Ephesians 5:25, husbands need to love their wives. The feeling must be reciprocal, according to Titus 2:4. Therefore, the love of marriage is the deepest and most complete kind of love you will ever have. It's the kind of love that Jesus taught his followers to have in his teachings.
2. The greatest intimacy
Marriage involves not only love, but also spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological closeness. Genesis 2:24 teaches that husband and wife should be as close as possible.
This also includes sexual relations, which make the couple "one flesh". It is through marriage that couples can also reproduce, bringing an intimacy never experienced by either of them before.
3. Acts of altruism
Jesus Christ taught, according to John 15:13, that there is no greater love than to offer your own life for someone else. In this way, you can expect acts of altruism from your spouse. Small and large everyday acts such as forgiving, listening, advising, supporting, changing faults and other altruistic attitudes are expected in a Christian marriage.
4. Patience
In Ephesians 4:2-3, it is taught that both you and your spouse will make mistakes. This is more than expected in human beings. However, you can expect (and offer) humility and meekness to bear conflicts with love.
In other words, through patience, it is possible to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.
5. Joy
Marriage is a source of joy when it follows Christian precepts. You and your spouse have responsibilities to keep your marriage healthy.
According to Ecclesiastes 9:9, you have to enjoy life with your spouse with joy every day. There will be more difficult days, but patience, as instructed in the previous topic, will help you overcome the challenges.
6. Kindness
Marriage means helping to improve your partner and vice versa. There is a love, intimacy and qualities so powerful that they can totally transform a couple. In Ephesians 4:32, spouses are instructed to practice mercy and forgiveness in order to be transformed in marriage, becoming better people and partners.
7. It is an act in accordance with God's principles
There may be unhappiness in a marriage, but for God this type of union is a very blessed partnership, like that of Adam and Eve. For God, happiness in this world can be achieved through marriage.
8. It's part of God's plan for you
All life here on Earth has a purpose. God's purpose for human beings is long-term marriage, with the aim of guaranteeing happiness, as well as the prosperity of life on Earth perpetuated by their children from generation to generation.
That's why a marriage is a welcome act in God's eyes. A marriage that follows Christian precepts and leaves God above its relationship has every reason to be blessed, even in the most difficult times.
All of these 8 topics are what you can expect from your spouse, from your Christian marriage, and also what you should offer in your relationship. After all, marriage is the communion of two people in one body. There can be no inequality between what is given and what is received.
Only in this way will it be possible to enjoy all the benefits and happiness of a truly Christian marriage.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.