Contrary to what many people think, Jesus performed his first miracle as an adult, revealing that he had come to fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah. That's when he turned water into wine.
Water became wine
This moment happened at a wedding to which Jesus had been invited, along with his mother (Mary) and his apostles.

After some time of celebration, Mary noticed that the wine had run out and this could spoil the party. She turned to the Son of God. In response, the Messiah told her that it was not yet her time.
Many people, reading this passage (in John 2, verses 1 to 11), misinterpret Jesus' response, imagining that he was rude to his mother.
However, we need to know that Mary was not simply making a request to her son, it was a request to the son of God, just as the answer was a speech from the Messiah himself, which is precisely why she understands him and waits in confidence that he will do something.
There, Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Jesus then told them to fill the six large stone jars there with water. Then he told them to take some to the person in charge of the feast.
When he tried the drink, he noticed that it was the best quality wine. He then called the groom over and congratulated him, since at the time the tendency was to serve the best wine first and then serve inferior wine after the guests had had enough.
However, he realized that the best wine at this event had been saved for last.
This was Jesus' first miracle, so he revealed his glory and the disciples believed in him without question.
Reflecting on the first miracle of Jesus Christ
When we talk about miracles, we are referring to events that have no human explanation and are often thought to be impossible.
And so, just like Jesus' first miracle, God performs feats that we cannot comprehend. After all, turning water into wine is not something we can conceive of, they are totally different substances (there is even the expression "changed from water to wine", to refer to something or someone that has changed completely) but Jesus did it.
In the same way, in our lives there can be transformations that seem impossible, but we have to remember that for God, nothing is.
With this, we must have faith and trust in God, recognize that he can transform our lives and believe that it will be done. In Hebrews 11, verse 6, there is just such a statement, explaining that we imperatively need to have faith in the Lord.
From this perspective, we can reflect on Mary's attitude: she acted exactly as we should. She asked the Lord and waited for his compassion, with trust and faith.
Jesus' response also teaches us that when he said it wasn't his time, the word shows us that many things must be done in God's time and not when we want.
He is the one who knows our future and what we really need. That's why sometimes we don't understand why things don't work out, but we have to remember that there is a right time for everything and that there is a purpose for everything.
In this sense, it's important to mention that we are all here for a greater purpose, and that our very life is already a miracle from the Lord. We should be grateful for who we are and for everything we have.
Another interesting reflection is Mary's command to the servants. She tells them to do what Jesus tells them to do, and so Jesus performs the miracle. We can infer from this passage a lesson for us too: we must do what Jesus tells us and teaches us, so that he can work miracles in our lives.
An interesting fact to mention is that God's first miracle is only mentioned in John's gospel. This is because this disciple is closest to Jesus and thus speaks a lot about his divinity. Therefore, this book is one of the most profound books in the Bible, which makes us know a lot about Jesus. Finally, Jesus' first miracle is extremely important, because through it Jesus revealed who he really was: the Savior long foretold through countless prophecies.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.