In fact, we need to look at the biblical context behind the statement in John 3:16, which informs us that God loved the world with such complete love that he sent Jesus Christ to earth as a way of saving humanity, so that all people who believe in Jesus (and therefore in God) will ultimately have eternal life.
This passage may pass quickly through your mind and not be interpreted correctly. However, as a Christian, you have a duty to have a clear understanding of biblical precepts. That's why a deeper explanation is necessary in this case.

To explore this biblical passage further, the rest of John 3:16 says that God demonstrated his love for the world by sending Jesus Christ to live and die for us. Jesus Christ represented the salvation of humanity.
What is the biblical story of John 3:16?
There is much to understand and learn from the verse in John 3:16. However, not all Christians look deeper for answers.
As already mentioned, we need to understand the biblical story in which this passage is set. In John 3:16, there is a dialog between Jesus Christ and a famous religious leader of the time. Perhaps, as a regular student of the Bible, you already know the story.
One night, after many people had retired to their homes to sleep, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler, spoke to Jesus.
Nicodemus informed Jesus that he knew he was a teacher sent by God to earth. This shows some truths: Nicodemus knew who Jesus was and recognized Him as sent from God to the world.
It's likely that Nicodemus was familiar with the miracles Jesus had performed up to that point.
To put it simply, Nicodemus recognized Jesus Christ as a profound demonstration of God's love for us, since he sent his only begotten son for the salvation of humanity.
Proof of God's love
This is how this passage should be interpreted: the knowledge of Christ's coming as proof of God's love for the whole earth and humanity in general, and belief in him as the way to complete salvation.
In this sense, John 3:16 is a very powerful teaching. God's sending Jesus Christ to Earth was the greatest act of love shown by the Father.
Jesus Christ is a figure of intense love, full of sacrifice, with qualities so wonderful that they seem unattainable to us. This is even clearer in the passage "So God loved the world [and all humanity], He gave His only Son".
The Bible is mostly made up of teachings, lessons, parables and other sacred passages authored by Jesus Christ (but not written by him). God's only son has left us a rich inheritance so that you can be the best version of yourself.
Furthermore, through his death, Jesus Christ set an example of what pure and complete love is. He proved the depth of love for all sinners and for God by dying to atone for the mistakes of all humanity.
It may be difficult for you, or all of humanity full of defects, to understand such resigned and self-sacrificing love. Furthermore, Jesus Christ was greatly persecuted and endured all suffering, believing in the Lord our Father.
God knows about our weaknesses and defects. The Lord could have left us without salvation. Instead, He guaranteed us the presence of His only Son as a way of saving everyone and teaching true Christian principles.
Throughout the Bible, God demonstrated a plan to save humanity after Adam's first sin.
God finally acted when he sent Jesus to earth. Jesus Christ is the only way to truly reach God. That's because Jesus left such rich teachings and was crucified for our sins.
Jesus didn't need to do that. It was a demonstration of great love for God and humanity. Jesus Christ suffered for our salvation.
In this sense, this passage means that God loved the world by sending his only son for our collective salvation. This was the greatest demonstration of God's love for humanity.
And Jesus Christ fulfilled his role honorably. He left a wonderful legacy, which is the Bible, as well as being persecuted and crucified without any justice.
So now you understand what lies behind the claim that God loved the world. God loved the world because He sent His Son to suffer in exchange for our salvation. There is no greater demonstration of love than that.
There's even more to it: whoever believes in Jesus Christ and truly lives the Christian precepts, without neglecting their spiritual duties, will have eternal life, even after death.
To prove that this is the true destiny of Christians, Jesus Christ himself was resurrected, showing everyone the truth about God's words.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.