David was the second king of Israel and was also chosen by God to rule over His people. His story is portrayed in the Old Testament, mainly in Samuel 1 and 2. But what is his relationship with Jesus Christ?
Jesus' ancestry
David is an important ancestor of Jesus, according to the flesh. In Luke 1, verse 27, it is stated that his parents, Mary and Joseph (father by creation, adoptive), were descendants of the line of David. So when Jesus is recognized as being of David, it is a mention of his ancestry.

Furthermore, in 2 Samuel 7, verses 12 and 13, there is God's prophecy to David that the awaited Savior would come from his descendants. From this perspective, many called Jesus the son of David, believing that he really was the Messiah.
Therefore, in many of the references to Jesus' ancestry, people were also referring to God's prophecy. They were admitting that Jesus Christ was the awaited Savior and professing faith in Him.
It's interesting to note that the coming of Christ was prophesied much earlier and began with Abraham. In Genesis 22, verse 18, God tells Abraham that his seed will be blessed, giving us the idea that through his seed the hope of humanity would be sent. Therefore, David is a descendant of Abraham and Jesus is a descendant of David.
In this context, the reasons for calling Jesus the son of David become clear. However, at a certain point there were questions, for example: how could Jesus be David's son and at the same time his lord? This is because David himself prophesied that the Messiah would be his Lord.
Jesus then showed that the answer to this was that he was part of David's family only in human terms, but that he was also God and therefore the Lord of David, his arrival on earth having been prophesied years before his birth.
Reflecting on the title "son of David"
So we understand why Jesus was called the son of David. Based on this, many reflections can be made. Among them, we can reflect a lot on God's promises. He has shown us from the beginning that he fulfills what he promises us. We have seen that since Abraham there has been a prophecy about the hope of humanity (the coming of Jesus, the Savior) and the promise has been fulfilled.
To understand this better, we can use the metaphor of a father and his wishes for his children. A father always wants the best for his children. Therefore, in a situation where his child is hungry, the father, having the food, will not show it to his child unless he has the real intention of giving it to him.
So when God shows us something and allows us to dream, there is a promise of fulfillment. He, like our father, only shows us what he intends to give us. Furthermore, God always keeps his promises.
That's why we have to hope and believe in the realization of our dreams, have faith and trust that God will bless us.
We can also reflect on our role in keeping our promises to God. Abraham and David were honored by God because they also kept their promises to God. In this way, like them, we also need to keep our promises to God and follow His principles.
In David's story, there were many victories because of the times he obeyed the Lord, but when he wandered away from His ways, David suffered the consequences.
One example was in relation to the family. David committed adultery and plotted the death of his mistress' husband. As a result, a son with this woman did not survive, causing him suffering (2 Samuel 12).
Finally, we can learn a little more about how God works. The Lord has a Holy and Just character, which is why he doesn't tolerate sin. But at the same time, He is also loving and keeps His promises, always aiming for the best for us. To do this, we also need to keep our promises and follow in his ways.
In addition, we need to trust in the Lord and have faith, so that he can act in our lives, transforming our realities, just as he did in the stories of Abraham and David, who were generally blessed with many blessings.
With a lot of faith and positivity, she writes for Pray and Faith, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.