Holy Bible app: read and listen to the bible online

How about a Bible App to start your days with God's Word?


There are many versions of the Bible and apps allow you to have them all at hand. We all have at least one Bible. And we are very proud of our desire to be faithful to the Word of the Lord.

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But when we talk about reading and studying the Bible every day, it is not always unanimous. So there is nothing better than having access to the Divine Word anywhere, anytime. This is possible with Bible apps!

Why download the Bible App and read the Divine Word every day?

Sometimes we may ask ourselves: why read the Bible? What is the reason? Is it really useful? In the end, can't I just settle for the verse a friend writes me in the morning or read a short daily meditation? In fact, there are many reasons why you should download the Bible App and have God's Word at hand at any time. Here are the top motivations for getting access to the Bible App.

1. The Bible is our reference

In a world where everything is going wrong, the Bible is the reference. John 17:17 teaches us, "Your word is truth. The Bible is the only truth, it is our reference.

When we hear a sermon in our church, listen to a testimony, or read an article on our favorite Christian blog, it is with the Bible that we will have to confront the teaching that emerges. This is the only truth, on which everything must be based. If we do not know it, we run the risk of being deceived and being led astray by teachings that may seem true and attractive, but which are hollow and false. Therefore, we must read and know the Bible in order to stand firm in the truth.

And to have easy access to it, the ideal is to download the Bible app and not lose any time of the day to enjoy a good read. Click on the icon and see the Bible app options to download.

2. The Bible guides and enlightens us

This is what Psalm 119:105 says: "A lamp unto my feet is thy word, and a light unto my path. The Bible is there to enlighten us in this world of darkness. The Bible is there to show us the way, the path to follow, and to guide us."

We can often ask ourselves: what is God's will for my life? What studies should I do? Which spouse to choose? What choice to make in such and such a situation?

There is a book accessible to everyone, where God spoke to man. Is it any wonder that it contains the answer to our questions? Let's read the Bible to know God's will! Download the Bible App and make it even easier throughout your routine.

3. The Bible is our food

We know well this verse from Matthew 4.4: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

Therefore, having access to the Bible App will make your daily reading of God's Word even easier. Click on the icon, below, and feed yourself with the Divine word every day.

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